Search query: home business

The 5 Top Technology Risks Facing Your Business In 2018

The 5 Top Technology Risks Facing Your Business In 2018

In September 2017, CNBC reported that 1.9 billion data records were stolen during the first half of the year. That’s a whopping 164% increase from the ...
How To Kid-Proof Your Home For Young Visitors

How To Kid-Proof Your Home For Young Visitors

Children bring excitement to our lives. Usually, this is a good thing. On the other hand, it can be disastrous if you haven’t kid-proofed your home. Y ...
Buying A Franchise Or Starting A Business – Pros And Cons Of Both

Buying A Franchise Or Starting A Business – Pros And Cons Of Both

Beginning a new chapter in your life by either opening your own business or buying a franchise is exciting and can get a little confusing as well. Eit ...
Why Mobile Technology Has Become Crucial For Businesses

Why Mobile Technology Has Become Crucial For Businesses

When it comes to technology, businesses have become heavily reliant and most would find it difficult to operate without modern tech. In years gone by, ...
Why The Business Catalog Still Survives In A Digital Age

Why The Business Catalog Still Survives In A Digital Age

When the internet started to revolutionize the way business was conducted, particularly in terms of marketing, many predicted that the business catalo ...
6 Reasons Why All Businesses Should Have A Website

6 Reasons Why All Businesses Should Have A Website

As we move towards an increasingly digital world, you would think that most businesses would place "creating a website" at the top of their to-do-list ...
What Impact Will Digital Transformation Have On Business Processes?

What Impact Will Digital Transformation Have On Business Processes?

You only need to cast your mind back ten years to realize what a huge impact digitalization has had on the world. For example, Google Chrome didn’t ex ...
5 Ways Business Executives Can Help Themselves To Wind Down

5 Ways Business Executives Can Help Themselves To Wind Down

Running your own business is rewarding and satisfying but it is also a lot of work. Long days and unwavering commitment are essential, and if your not ...
3 Tools Small Businesses Can Use To Shrink Legal Expenses

3 Tools Small Businesses Can Use To Shrink Legal Expenses

Do you find yourself complaining endlessly about the absurdly high rates of lawyers? If so, you are not alone. Many small business owners feel the sam ...
3 Big Ideas To Create A Successful Business Website

3 Big Ideas To Create A Successful Business Website

What does it take to make your business website successful? You basically need to think through everything--from the design to the content to marketin ...
Thieves Are Out To Rob Your Business – How To Keep Data Safe Online

Thieves Are Out To Rob Your Business – How To Keep Data Safe Online

Thieves are everywhere. Both in life and online – there’s just no getting around this fact of life. With the amount of “clueless” people who are doing ...
Top Security Apps To Help Protect Your Home While You Are Away

Top Security Apps To Help Protect Your Home While You Are Away

The statistics for burglary and home invasion are extremely high, which is why home security is something that is an important topic. The rise of home ...
Small Business Loans Differ Between States And Why You Should Care

Small Business Loans Differ Between States And Why You Should Care

Choosing the best location to start your business - Which state you decide to center your business in will depend largely on the kind of products or s ...
Top 10 Biggest Business Benefits Of Overseas Clients

Top 10 Biggest Business Benefits Of Overseas Clients

Attracting overseas clients has a plethora of benefits for your business, from broadening your customer base to strengthening your brand and helping y ...
Why Business Expanse Requires Covering Expense

Why Business Expanse Requires Covering Expense

Make Greater Breakthroughs Cost-Effectively - Your business can’t remain static. You’ve got to expand outward if you want to remain profitable. Someti ...
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