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The Ultimate Nerd Guide To New York City [Map]

The Ultimate Nerd Guide To New York City [Map]

Being a geek in New York City just got a whole lot more fun! With Comic Con on its doorstep, and with an armada of geeks invading the city for a bit o ...
Hello Kitty In Ghostbusters: The Cosplay Proton Pack

Hello Kitty In Ghostbusters: The Cosplay Proton Pack

It would be a valid question to ask how many of you are actually into cosplay, and what you wear to these gatherings. Why? Because as the Comic Cons a ...
Geek Heaven: DIY 8-Bit Pixelated Sugar Cookies

Geek Heaven: DIY 8-Bit Pixelated Sugar Cookies

Every since this picture below of the girl with 8-bit makeup on her face went viral two days ago, I've been inspired to create something 8-bit. Since ...
The World’s Oldest Photograph From 1825

The World’s Oldest Photograph From 1825

We've written about the world's largest indoor picture ever taken and the world's highest resolution picture ever taken, but today it's all about the ...
Pocket People: Carry A Handmade Friend In Your Pocket

Pocket People: Carry A Handmade Friend In Your Pocket

Are you frustrated with your lack of real friends on Twitter and Facebook? Do you find it difficult to deal with high maintenance friends who require ...
The Value Of An Hour Of Your Work [Chart]

The Value Of An Hour Of Your Work [Chart]

How many hours a week do you work? I mean, how many hours a week do you reeeeally work? I know some people who technically drive to an office for 40 h ...
ZOMBIES, RUN!: Exercise While Running For Your Life

ZOMBIES, RUN!: Exercise While Running For Your Life

I would be the first one in the room to admit that I truly need to get my butt out of the office chair and put on a pair of running shoes. I could def ...
Facebook Friends Poster: Social Patchwork For Your Wall

Facebook Friends Poster: Social Patchwork For Your Wall

It's common knowledge that no matter how many friends, followers or viewers you have when using social media, if they don't engage and interact with y ...
Epic AT-AT Star Wars Dog Costume

Epic AT-AT Star Wars Dog Costume

When you are a geek, you usually want to make sure people know about it. Some people might call you a hipster if you got yourself some of those geeky ...
Extreme Jacuzzing: Hang Your Hot Tub Off A Bridge

Extreme Jacuzzing: Hang Your Hot Tub Off A Bridge

Look ma, no hands! Technically this is called Extreme Jaccuzzing. This group of adrenaline seeking adventurists had to add an extra "c" in the word Ja ...
Living In A Dumpster: The Insane Container Conversion

Living In A Dumpster: The Insane Container Conversion

I am sure that every single one of you has at some point come home to a messy home thinking you live in a dumpster, right? It happens to all of us. Us ...
Bit Rebels Halloween Giveaway: Celebrate With Us This Year!

Bit Rebels Halloween Giveaway: Celebrate With Us This Year!

It's that time of year again! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays since it kicks off the whole holiday season full of friends, family and fun. He ...
Apple’s ‘Let’s Talk iPhone’ Keynote: Some Mind Blowing Stats

Apple’s ‘Let’s Talk iPhone’ Keynote: Some Mind Blowing Stats

I'm watching the Apple event online right now, like almost everyone I know. I have to admit, it was a little strange to see it in such a small place ( ...
Guy Takes His Band On The Road, Literally! [Video]

Guy Takes His Band On The Road, Literally! [Video]

The silliness we get to check out each and every day is sometimes epic in nature. There's never a dull moment, and we are constantly on the edge of do ...
Stunning Gears Of War Lego Rubber Band Rifle

Stunning Gears Of War Lego Rubber Band Rifle

I am not the one to play those first person gory shooters that keep coming out these days. I am more of an adventure kind of gamer, and I would defini ...
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