Search query: home

Paper iPhone?!

Paper iPhone?!

You wouldn't believe it, but the iPhone you see here is actually made of paper.  Yes found an old article from Gizmodo, wherein a subscriber sent in ...
RSS Feed Inspired Design

RSS Feed Inspired Design

RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication" but sometimes "Rich Site Summary") is a family of web feed formats used to publish freque ...
Disposable Gadgets?!

Disposable Gadgets?!

Found some amazing craft art that are truly amazing. Life Size Cardboard Gadgets.  By Making things used to be about durability, design was made to l ...
How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath

How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath

I love garlic. I eat it every day. Therefore, I'm always paranoid about bad breath. But, how do we know for sure that we have bad breath? Sure, we ...
Google Going Social Media?

Google Going Social Media?

Google has come up with a personalized iGoogle: Social gadgets.  Social iGoogle gadgets let you share and have fun with people you know.  Gadgets wi ...

The Gaming Evolution Revolution!

There is a kind of craze that is happening in the gaming world at the moment, and that is browser based gaming. When you think of browser based gamin ...
The Ultimate Golf Simulator

The Ultimate Golf Simulator

Move over Tiger Woods! I was on holiday this week visiting family in my hometown. Part of my time at home always includes visits to some of the most ...
New Toy for Upcoming Movie Avatar

New Toy for Upcoming Movie Avatar

Kids will now have the chance to play with a different kind of toy. After the success of Mattel with, having 18M registered users, th ...
Low Landings – A Little Bit Too Close?

Low Landings – A Little Bit Too Close?

Recently I was in one of my most, should I say, life altering experiences I have ever been involved in. It was during a landing in Germany at the Inte ...
How to Cook Pancakes! or Not?!

How to Cook Pancakes! or Not?!

What is your favorite breakfast food? Mine is pancakes. And just recently I have discovered lots of ways that people prepare them. Some are outrage ...
Are You An Airline Geek?

Are You An Airline Geek?

I just learned about a new sub-species of geek this week. It is the classic airline geek. According to the Washington Post, airline geeks are “â ...
What Happens? – Liquid Nitrogen & Dry Ice in Pool

What Happens? – Liquid Nitrogen & Dry Ice in Pool

Remember the scene in Terminator 2 when the liquid police officer (the bad guy) get caught up in liquid nitrogen and freezes and then breaks? Well, th ...
Modern Architecture on an unexpected street.

Modern Architecture on an unexpected street.

Modern architecture has always fascinated me. I love the use of materials, textures and shapes, which I also consider in my own artwork as a designer ...
Grow your own: Peppers!

Grow your own: Peppers!

There is a rebirth of home grown produce that is spreading across the UK... people are really digging into (get it?) growing their own fruit and veg. ...
What’s The Storage Capacity at Google?

What’s The Storage Capacity at Google?

There has been a ton of discussion around this and I can tell you that there is not much information about the storage capacity at Google but there ar ...
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