Search query: iphone

CircleMe: Innovative Social Network Helps You Collect What You Love

CircleMe: Innovative Social Network Helps You Collect What You Love

Have you tried CircleMe yet? You might think at first glance, "NO...not another social network site," but when you take a closer look at CircleMe, you ...
An Insane Apple Store Inspired Home Office Design

An Insane Apple Store Inspired Home Office Design

I'm about to show you the craziest Apple Store inspired home office design you've ever seen. You'd definitely have to be the ultimate Apple fanboy or ...
Email Apnea: Do You Hold Your Breath When On Email? [Infographic]

Email Apnea: Do You Hold Your Breath When On Email? [Infographic]

This is so fascinating to me. I remember a few months ago, I specifically noticed that many times when I'm on my computer concentrating, I stop breath ...
LightBomber App: Jazz Up Your Photos With Light Painting

LightBomber App: Jazz Up Your Photos With Light Painting

Light painting never gets old. I remember writing about it back in 2009 when it started to get really popular, and it's never died down. Even recently ...
Checking Voicemail: The Newest Casualty Of Technology

Checking Voicemail: The Newest Casualty Of Technology

When was the last time you checked your voicemail? I check my work messages often since leaving and checking voicemail is still the norm in daily busi ...
17 Barbie & Ken Wedding Album Photos (They Finally Did It)

17 Barbie & Ken Wedding Album Photos (They Finally Did It)

Can you believe Barbie and Ken got married in a secret ceremony this past weekend? Their friends and family all got cards inviting them to attend an " ...
Instant Communication Disorder: Another Side Effect Of Social Media

Instant Communication Disorder: Another Side Effect Of Social Media

Okay, maybe there is not an official disorder called "Instant Communication Disorder," but there might as well be. Have you checked if anyone’s liked ...
Internet Habits Then & Now: 2002 vs. 2012 [Infographic]

Internet Habits Then & Now: 2002 vs. 2012 [Infographic]

We all know that technology is advancing super fast, but what about our Internet habits? Do you think those are evolving just as quickly? They are, al ...
Go Retro With The Ultra Sleek Padintosh iPad Case

Go Retro With The Ultra Sleek Padintosh iPad Case

We tend to write a lot about all things Apple, and it is not particularly because we are fans of their products. It's because the number of accessorie ...
Read Tweets On Your Adidas Social Media Sneakers

Read Tweets On Your Adidas Social Media Sneakers

What a creative way to read tweets (and send them). As convenient as it is to have our social media at our fingertips on our smartphones, there are ce ...
Retro Record Player Lets You Convert Old Vinyls To Your iPad

Retro Record Player Lets You Convert Old Vinyls To Your iPad

The chance that some of you awesome people have all your vinyl records stored somewhere is quite big. That's not only because it was once such a hyped ...
Ping Pong Balls In Mid-Air: 17 Intense Up Close Photos

Ping Pong Balls In Mid-Air: 17 Intense Up Close Photos

With all the new apps, technology and photo sharing sites that are constantly introduced to us, photography has changed tremendously over the past few ...
Backwards Piano Man Plays Super Mario Song While…Backwards

Backwards Piano Man Plays Super Mario Song While…Backwards

Are you working hard right now? Do you need a quick break or something to watch for a minute while you are on the train or in the back of a cab? I've ...
App Developers: A Secret Recipe For Success [Infographic]

App Developers: A Secret Recipe For Success [Infographic]

There are a lot of app developers in the world. When things really started to become successful with the iPhone, it was like a 21st century gold rush ...
Arcade Games: 50 Retro Video Game Classics In One Illustration

Arcade Games: 50 Retro Video Game Classics In One Illustration

The classic arcade games from the '80s continue to be the retro glue that binds many geeks together even today. For those of us who grew up during tha ...
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