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This HD Phone Breaks All Boundaries – Design Fetish

This HD Phone Breaks All Boundaries – Design Fetish

We're getting used to the fact that the cell phones of today are pretty much coming from the same companies over and over again. There is not much ne ...
iPad Gets A REAL Camera – Face Time Goes Large

iPad Gets A REAL Camera – Face Time Goes Large

It was a huge setback when Apple announced that the iPad wouldn't have a camera. At least there wouldn't be a camera on this generation of the iPad. ...

The 5 Possible Reasons Why Your Blog Sucks!

All your friends are blogging. All your friend's friends are blogging. You say to yourself, "Okay, I want to be a blogger too."  So you start your o ...
Wacky Office Supplies – Fun at Work!

Wacky Office Supplies – Fun at Work!

If you are like me, you can stay in a bookstore, an office supply store or even the art supplies section of any store for hours.  I enjoy looking for ...
How A Microsoft Product Scared The Life Out Of Some People!

How A Microsoft Product Scared The Life Out Of Some People!

A prank is always a prank and a good one is remembered for a long time, at least for the person that is pranked. To come up with a good prank, you ha ...
Intricate Rope Chair Proves To Be…Awesome!

Intricate Rope Chair Proves To Be…Awesome!

I am such a geek when it comes to interior design and geeky stuff. There, I said it. All you (2 people) that thought I was all cool and tough, well ...
Here’s An Inflatable Pool For Your…Boat!

Here’s An Inflatable Pool For Your…Boat!

If you thought you'd seen it all, then this is going to make you realize you haven't. I have always thought that if you own a boat, that means you're ...
How To: Create A Glossy Effect In Photoshop

How To: Create A Glossy Effect In Photoshop

The glossy effect is one of the most used effects on the Internet, and it's catching on more and more. What is always funny to me is that you see that ...
Whiskey Stones – Now Ice Won’t Dilute Your Drinks!

Whiskey Stones – Now Ice Won’t Dilute Your Drinks!

Do you like throwing parties? Do you simply love to unwind after a hard days work? Do you enjoy scotch on the rocks or whiskey on the rocks?! If yo ...
Magnetic Water Drops? – Your Fridge Will Sparkle

Magnetic Water Drops? – Your Fridge Will Sparkle

Interior designers think it's the biggest sin you can commit, while us deadly people think it's the most useful things you can have in a home. I am o ...
The World’s Largest Crayola Crayon!

The World’s Largest Crayola Crayon!

According to CNET, aside from Lego bricks, Crayola crayons may be the most common plaything on planet Earth. Did you know that 3 billion Crayola cray ...
Melting Cheese Head Art – Food Design Inspiration

Melting Cheese Head Art – Food Design Inspiration

Cheese heads are fun, aren't they? They are usually created in the spirit of comedy and make people laugh. I think my favorite cheese head to date i ...
How To: Turn Your Avatar Into A Video

How To: Turn Your Avatar Into A Video

We use an avatar for our social networking sites to allow people to recognize us. Some people use their own photos, while others use a cartooned vers ...
M.C. Escher’s Impossible Worlds Recreated In Lego!

M.C. Escher’s Impossible Worlds Recreated In Lego!

Whatever the word "impossible" means, it's not exactly the same meaning every time. It's just a vessel to express the difficulty of the task that lie ...
This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

I never thought I'd say this, but I am actually scared of swimming in a pool. Yeah I know, it's odd and very lame if you just reference those words i ...
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