Search query: moving

13 Whoa-tastic Cardboard Portraits Of Historic Personalities

13 Whoa-tastic Cardboard Portraits Of Historic Personalities

We have featured some of the world's most amazing artwork here at Bit Rebels throughout the years. Some people are born with limitless creativity and ...
How The Team At Vine Decided That Vine Videos Should Be 6 Seconds Long

How The Team At Vine Decided That Vine Videos Should Be 6 Seconds Long

When Twitter launched back in 2006, the question on everyone's minds was why were tweets limited to 140 characters? I've always liked the 140 characte ...
Transforming LEGO Nintendo 64 & Controller Is A Retro Geek’s Dream

Transforming LEGO Nintendo 64 & Controller Is A Retro Geek’s Dream

LEGO and Nintendo complement each other well, and there have been many LEGO Nintendo mashups presented over the years. This one is one of the best one ...
Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Sometimes the best innovations are the ones brought to life by the simple means in our lives. We have written about it quite often here on Bit Rebels. ...
27 Proven Best Marketing Strategies For A Tiny Budget [Infographic]

27 Proven Best Marketing Strategies For A Tiny Budget [Infographic]

If you are trying to market yourself or your brand online with a shoestring budget, it can be frustrating sometimes. If you have a marketing budget, o ...
Samsung Announces Environmentally Friendly Origami Printer

Samsung Announces Environmentally Friendly Origami Printer

Top technology developers have always tried to make their products more environmentally friendly in order to make them even more appealing to their cu ...
How To Give Your Facebook Fan Page An Operation [Infographic]

How To Give Your Facebook Fan Page An Operation [Infographic]

One of my favorite childhood games was Operation. I still have an Operation game in my closet, and to this day, I jump when the patient's red nose sta ...
Future Hybrid Transportation System Is An Otherworldly Experience

Future Hybrid Transportation System Is An Otherworldly Experience

The world is getting more and more congested, and we have yet to find a way to stay infinitely ahead of our own growth. It's anything but easy, but in ...
3CX Mobile Device Manager: Manage Secure And Track All Company Devices

3CX Mobile Device Manager: Manage Secure And Track All Company Devices

In today's mobile climate, most employees are expected to carry a smartphone or tablet for business. Without a mobile device manager (MDM), it's tough ...
How To Get All Your Exercise In Only 3 Minutes A Week

How To Get All Your Exercise In Only 3 Minutes A Week

Think of the amount of time you will save if your weekly exercise routine could be condensed down to 3 minutes a week. Sound ridiculous? Apparently no ...
Tech Used To Create Sweat-Resistant Fabric Eliminates Sweat On Clothes

Tech Used To Create Sweat-Resistant Fabric Eliminates Sweat On Clothes

Unless we're at the gym working out, sweat on clothes is just plain gross. There is nothing sexy about sweaty armpits that are leaking through on a sh ...
Fascinating Ways The Original Star Wars Model Makers Created Props

Fascinating Ways The Original Star Wars Model Makers Created Props

You already know we are huge Star Wars fans, but what I'm writing about today goes far beyond what we think we see on the big screen. The creativity a ...
Personal Submarine Turns Our Oceans Into Underwater Highways

Personal Submarine Turns Our Oceans Into Underwater Highways

Transportation has always been an accident waiting to happen. Not so much transportation per say since the technology makes us safer each day that pas ...
New Television Service Allows Viewers To Touch Virtual Objects

New Television Service Allows Viewers To Touch Virtual Objects

The virtualization of the world is constantly moving forward. New concepts are announced each day, and you can tell that the second coming of the virt ...
Xbox One First Impressions: Is It Already Outdated?

Xbox One First Impressions: Is It Already Outdated?

So, Microsoft has released the new Xbox, the Xbox One. Is it the leap forward over the previous Xbox that it needs to be, or has Microsoft dropped the ...
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