Search query: smartphone

Turning Posts Into Positions – The Rise of Social Media Recruitment

Turning Posts Into Positions – The Rise of Social Media Recruitment

According to Career Builder, 52 percent of employers now use social media networking sites as a part of the recruiting process. This figure is up 13 p ...
Everything You Need To Know About Online Therapy For Health

Everything You Need To Know About Online Therapy For Health

Nearly half of all Americans will deal with a mental health issue at some point in their life. Every year, tens of millions of people reach out to som ...
24 Best Verified Coupon Sites Available On The Internet

24 Best Verified Coupon Sites Available On The Internet

Certainly, no one likes it when they have to search the web, newspapers, and every possible location looking for coupons. This is why we have made thi ...
9 Things To Look For In A Good Subwoofer For The Home

9 Things To Look For In A Good Subwoofer For The Home

When it comes to assembling a home theater system, one of the most components is the subwoofer and this isn't an item you want to choose based on pric ...
Why The Latest Tech Innovations Are Worth Investing In

Why The Latest Tech Innovations Are Worth Investing In

In the modern world, the technology industry is shifting all the time. While most of the news is focused on the goings-on at big-name companies like A ...
How Mobile Technology Has Provided Us With Entertainment On the Go

How Mobile Technology Has Provided Us With Entertainment On the Go

When it comes to entertainment, one of the things that most of us love to do is watch our favorite TV shows. Over recent years, a huge range of new se ...
Capitalizing On The Personalized Internet Experience People Expect

Capitalizing On The Personalized Internet Experience People Expect

A personalized experience is the core of today’s internet browsing. News stories, product recommendations, Facebook posts, and advertisements are all ...
The Advantages Of Using GPS Tracking Software For Your Business

The Advantages Of Using GPS Tracking Software For Your Business

It’s not a secret anymore that nowadays life goes faster and faster. Daily routine, deadlines, schedules and other things make it completely stressful ...
The Rise And Increased Number Of Online Casino Sites

The Rise And Increased Number Of Online Casino Sites

Around the world, gambling is a favorite pastime for many different people from many different walks of life. And now, with advancing technology, casi ...
How To Take Yourself Through A Social Media Detox

How To Take Yourself Through A Social Media Detox

In the past ten years, there have been huge advances in the capabilities of smartphones and other technologies. Nowadays, we use our computers and pho ...
5 SEO Tips In 2017 That You Should Absolutely Not Ignore

5 SEO Tips In 2017 That You Should Absolutely Not Ignore

Search Engine Optimization or SEO in 2017 is nothing compared to what it was in the early 2000’s. [pullquote]The days of keyword stuffing are long gon ...
Monitoring Employee Electronic Activity In the Workplace – When Is It Right?

Monitoring Employee Electronic Activity In the Workplace – When Is It Right?

In 2013, there was a hallmark case Lazette v. Kulmatycki, N.D. Ohio No. 3:12CV2416 where an ex-employee of Verizon Wireless filed a lawsuit against th ...
Hatched Shows You How To Cut Back And Save That Deposit [Infographic]

Hatched Shows You How To Cut Back And Save That Deposit [Infographic]

Getting on the property ladder isn’t easy, especially when it comes to saving that all important deposit. However, there are ways to cut back in order ...
Mobile Casinos – The Modern Way To Enjoy Online Gambling [Infographic]

Mobile Casinos – The Modern Way To Enjoy Online Gambling [Infographic]

It is a well-known fact that Internet users around the globe are rapidly switching to smartphones for their browsing, shopping, gaming, and other need ...
The State Of Gaming – Gaming Trends For The Next 10 Years

The State Of Gaming – Gaming Trends For The Next 10 Years

The game industry is a nearly $91 billion industry according to Venture Beat, and that amount will only continue to climb over the next decade. In the ...
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