Search query: social media

The Five Biggest Changes In Marketing Over The Past Decade

The Five Biggest Changes In Marketing Over The Past Decade

Marketing is the everchanging division in any business and those in marketing know that they must always be a few steps ahead of the next trend. 1. D ...
3 Ways To Enjoy Summer’s Last Gasp

3 Ways To Enjoy Summer’s Last Gasp

With summer on the way, folks living in cities above the 49th parallel are bracing for the harsh onset of winter. While it’s reasonable to start shift ...
Why Cranking Out Content Like A Machine Is A Bad Blogging Strategy

Why Cranking Out Content Like A Machine Is A Bad Blogging Strategy

You want a blog that people can’t stop talking about, posts that go viral, and massive traffic generated through word of mouth by influencers. That’s ...
Strength In Numbers – The Benefits Of Working In A Consortium With Other Companies

Strength In Numbers – The Benefits Of Working In A Consortium With Other Companies

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working with other similar companies towards a common goal as part of a consortium can bring many benefi ...
3 Ways To Make Your Business More Transparent

3 Ways To Make Your Business More Transparent

Millennial shoppers differ from their older cohorts in many ways. For one, they don’t make purchase decisions in the same manner as their predecessors ...
Website Improvement Tips For Effective Customer Retention

Website Improvement Tips For Effective Customer Retention

Getting to the first page of Google has become a fierce competition. More and more small businesses are springing up and taking advantage of the profi ...
ClearCoin Announces New Integrations With Products And Applications

ClearCoin Announces New Integrations With Products And Applications

ClearCoin (CLR) will be announcing a series of new integrations with products and applications in the crypto ecosystem. Today we are announcing a list ...
Lessons Learned – How Your First Job Can Influence Your Future Career

Lessons Learned – How Your First Job Can Influence Your Future Career

From helping out the family business to working in a fast food restaurant, or volunteering as a tutor, everybody remembers their first job and the les ...
Why The Healthcare Industry Needs Blockchain

Why The Healthcare Industry Needs Blockchain

When entrepreneurs give business advice, they consistently emphasize the importance of using available technology and digital strategies to save time ...
How To View Your Subscribers On YouTube

How To View Your Subscribers On YouTube

If you have a YouTube channel and you want it to be known by many, then you must have many subscribers as well. Maybe you are not aware of how many su ...
10 Reasons Moving To Singapore Could Be Your Best Decision Ever

10 Reasons Moving To Singapore Could Be Your Best Decision Ever

Singapore is a great place to live, especially with the developments of past decade to make Singapore more natural (greener) yet a highly modern place ...
How Technology Is Helping Us Close The Gap On Concussions

How Technology Is Helping Us Close The Gap On Concussions

Few sports injuries have eluded us as long as concussions. We’ve always known that concussions were potentially harmful, but the more we learn about t ...
Hacking People Instead Of Computers – Identifying 5 Overlooked Vulnerabilities

Hacking People Instead Of Computers – Identifying 5 Overlooked Vulnerabilities

Every few months, a new hacking vulnerability gives internet users something to fret about. For an example, look  back to the Wi-Fi WPA2 KRACK attack ...
More Brands Form Long-Term Relationships With Young Influencers

More Brands Form Long-Term Relationships With Young Influencers

Instagram has become a powerful marketing tool for many businesses, thanks to its massive user base that couldn’t let a day go by without browsing the ...
All About NPS Score And Why Every Business Should Know About It

All About NPS Score And Why Every Business Should Know About It

NPS score or Net Promoter Score is a measure of customer loyalty which indicates how likely the customers of a particular brand or business are to rec ...
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