Search query: social media
Why Using Social Media In Your Marketing Is Crucial [Infographic]
What some companies are reluctant to realize is that it's absolutely crucial to use social media in your marketing if your product or service is align ...
Cookies For Geeks: A Delicious Social Media Client Gift
What do you do if you run a small company, and you want to give little gifts to clients who stop by your office for meetings? You could order pens or ...
Social Media Tattoo: Put Facebook Friends On Your Arm
[Update: Too bad this tattoo turned out to be fake! I was really hoping this girl was for real.] I realize that this story is on every single major bl ...
Social Media Asking: Our Newest Twitter & Facebook Habit
I consider myself to be a very tolerant person, so there are not very many things in social media that irritate me. Of course all the mafia family, tw ...
Almost All Social Media Gurus Are Clowns…
The title of this article may be quite a sting for some people, especially the social media gurus (or the ones that call themselves that). Whichever w ...
Social Media Art: All Your Facebook Friends Sketched
There are so many things about this that are so cool; I don't even know where to start! I remember a few years ago when we started seeing people creat ...
3 Ways Social Media Teaches Us About Forgiveness
The word forgiveness means different things to different people. For me, forgiveness is a huge part of maintaining a happy life. I once heard someone ...
How To: Use Social Media Services
The fact that we are seeing an increase in the number of social media websites, and that some people claim we have enough already, doesn't seem to sto ...
10 Signs That You Need A Social Media Detox
I think anyone who is into social media would agree with me that things are moving faster and faster. Whatever it is that we have to do, it has to be ...
How To: Get A Fake Social Media Girlfriend That Seems Real
Aww, I have no doubt that super-geeks and nerds everywhere will love this! My only question is, why is it that these types of sites are only created f ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 3]
The last part of this micro series is dedicated to the monitoring of your recruiting campaign and what the applicants are saying about your company an ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]
As anyone might understand, recruiting new talent to your company is a science and a lot of attention to detail is needed in order to find the perfect ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]
It seems social media is becoming a truly powerful tool when it comes to finding new talent for companies around the world. A couple of years ago I wr ...
Social Media Saves The Day With A Terminator Leg
We are seeing more and more stories lately about the warmth, compassion and friendships formed in social media. This time it's about a social media si ...
Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media
Are you good at multitasking? I've been a scatter brain my whole life, so for me, sometimes it's hard to concentrate on one thing, much less a bunch, ...