Search query: startup

How To Quickly And Correctly Identify Expense Fraud

How To Quickly And Correctly Identify Expense Fraud

You’ve heard it before, you go to lunch with a friend (or colleague for that matter) and after discussing everything except work, they utter the phras ...
How Millennials Are Shaping The Future Of Business

How Millennials Are Shaping The Future Of Business

Millennials are disrupters. We change the way businesses run by building sustainable, fulfilling, and environmentally friendly companies. According to ...
Choosing The Right Small Business Loans For Veterans In 2017

Choosing The Right Small Business Loans For Veterans In 2017

Veteran small business owners have special access to certain lenders and resources that are only available to veterans of the military. When you are a ...
What Can We Expect From Artificial Intelligence In The Future?

What Can We Expect From Artificial Intelligence In The Future?

A decade ago, artificial intelligence was something we saw in the movies. Nobody ever imagined AI would become a major part of our lives. Today, there ...
Marlowe – This High-Quality Carry-On Will Not Break Your Bank

Marlowe – This High-Quality Carry-On Will Not Break Your Bank

Ever since the introduction of the Smart car, it has become a rising trend to apply a touch of technology to the everyday objects and tools we use. Wh ...
Why Forex Trading Platforms Are Great Ways To Fund An SME

Why Forex Trading Platforms Are Great Ways To Fund An SME

Funding a business sometimes requires an unorthodox approach such as Forex trading. Lenders are not as quick to hand over cash these days and many SME ...
Let Nostalgia Kick In With This Awesome Pong Coffee Table

Let Nostalgia Kick In With This Awesome Pong Coffee Table

One of the oldest arcade video games is back and how! If you have played the 8-bit version of Pong in your childhood then you are in for a treat. A gr ...
Your Company’s Online Reputation – How To Respond To Customer Feedback

Your Company’s Online Reputation – How To Respond To Customer Feedback

Your company’s online reputation is very important. After all, that’s the public face of your business that you put forward, so it’s important that yo ...
Make Way For The Real-Life Iron Man In His Daedalus Suit

Make Way For The Real-Life Iron Man In His Daedalus Suit

While Tony Stark continues to entertain us in the world of comic books and cinema, we now have a real-life hero to look up to. Meet Richard Browning w ...
4 Tips For Solopreneurs Looking To Make Something From Nothing

4 Tips For Solopreneurs Looking To Make Something From Nothing

If you've never started a business from the bottom, doing so is daunting, to say the least. This is especially true if you're going the lone wolf rout ...
How Men Can Dress Professionally Without Looking Boring

How Men Can Dress Professionally Without Looking Boring

How you dress for work is an important component of how you feel, and the level of confidence you exude. In a world where people are increasingly dres ...
3 Ways Smart Alarm Systems Help Wage A War Against Burglars

3 Ways Smart Alarm Systems Help Wage A War Against Burglars

“War” might sound like a very exaggerated term when referring to burglary. It provokes the mental image of battlefields, nothing like a sprawling subu ...
iClassics – World’s Most Interactive Reading Experience Slashes Prices

iClassics – World’s Most Interactive Reading Experience Slashes Prices

About a month ago we wrote about a groundbreaking reading app series produced by iClassics Productions that gained a lot of attention and was a huge h ...
VIDGO Streaming Media In LA – A Match Made In Heaven

VIDGO Streaming Media In LA – A Match Made In Heaven

Where better to launch a revolutionary new streaming media app than the Entertainment Capital of the World? Set to launch in key markets like New York ...
The 5 Most High-Tech Cities In The World That You Have To Visit

The 5 Most High-Tech Cities In The World That You Have To Visit

Tech-tourism is on the rise, with proud geeks now regularly booking their breaks in order to further explore and enjoy their obsession with innovation ...
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