Search query: watch

The Reason Kids Shouldn’t Cook Unsupervised [Humor]

The Reason Kids Shouldn’t Cook Unsupervised [Humor]

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone has a cooking show these days? It's so popular now that cooking shows are even becoming the butt of Intern ...
Facebook Has A Huge Impact On College Admissions [Infographic]

Facebook Has A Huge Impact On College Admissions [Infographic]

We knew the day would come when social media would be incorporated into... well, everything. First it was a way to connect with friends, then it becam ...
Hacked IKEA Coffee Table Has A Set Of Trains

Hacked IKEA Coffee Table Has A Set Of Trains

Some people find IKEA to be compulsively tacky, while others love it with a passion. The thing is, IKEA actually isn't that bad. Yeah, some things the ...
Decorative Eastern Eggs: Choose One To Help Japan

Decorative Eastern Eggs: Choose One To Help Japan

Just this week I found out that one of my office mates is really into art. He is one of the account executives who I work with everyday, and I had a b ...
17 Creative Circuit Board Inspired Designs

17 Creative Circuit Board Inspired Designs

For non-geeks, circuit boards are ugly, sharp, confusing pieces of computer hardware that really make no sense at all. On the other hand, to geeks, ci ...
Facebook Stereotypes: A Music Video Tribute

Facebook Stereotypes: A Music Video Tribute

Jumping from Twitter to Facebook, and back and forth, can be quite a new experience if you haven't done it before. The status updates are a bit differ ...
JustinCase: iPhone Case Stores Your Emergency Condom

JustinCase: iPhone Case Stores Your Emergency Condom

I know watches are almost obsolete at this point, but are wallets on their way out too? Do geek guys still carry one condom in that hidden inside pock ...
A Girl And Her Room: Lifestyles From Around The World

A Girl And Her Room: Lifestyles From Around The World

Living in a country with no wars, industrialism and nice infrastructure sure makes your lifestyle very narrow minded. Usually people don't look beyond ...
Fully Functional Paper Origami Cell Phone Design

Fully Functional Paper Origami Cell Phone Design

It's funny how we go on and on about what tomorrow will hold as far as technology. We try to predict it with infographics or try to make top 100 lists ...
Star Wars LED Rubber Ducks: Sci-Fi Just Got Weird

Star Wars LED Rubber Ducks: Sci-Fi Just Got Weird

Recently I found myself watching the Star Wars movie series starting from the very beginning. I started with the oldest movie, even though it's suppos ...
3 Ways Social Media Teaches Us About Forgiveness

3 Ways Social Media Teaches Us About Forgiveness

The word forgiveness means different things to different people. For me, forgiveness is a huge part of maintaining a happy life. I once heard someone ...
5 Reasons Your Twitter DMs Are Being Ignored

5 Reasons Your Twitter DMs Are Being Ignored

Since I've been on Twitter since 2008, I've truly been able to benefit from the social networking platform. The majority of information I know today i ...
5 Convenient Ways To Learn How To Cook

5 Convenient Ways To Learn How To Cook

Ever since I moved to this wonderful country, I have been on my own and learning how to do a lot of new things. I know it may seem weird to you that I ...
iBoy: Apple Has Innovated Life Yet Again

iBoy: Apple Has Innovated Life Yet Again

What will Apple come up with next? That seems to be the question that is surfacing on the Internet pretty much all the time. It doesn't really matter ...
Fascinating: The Fake Plastic Crowds You See In Movies

Fascinating: The Fake Plastic Crowds You See In Movies

If you are James Cameron and have hundreds of millions of dollars budgeted to make a film, then you'd probably use real people (extras) or fancy compu ...
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