Search query: watch

The Beautiful and Dangerous Art of Fire Dancing

The Beautiful and Dangerous Art of Fire Dancing

Now that the weather is getting warmer, I’m excited to build a fire, roast some marshmallows, and listen to some music outside. Spring is the perfect ...
Twitter Is the Best Source of Online News!

Twitter Is the Best Source of Online News!

I get most of my news from my Twitter Stream!  Just last Saturday, I got home at around 10:30 pm I opened my Twitter stream and found some messages fr ...
A Touching Example of Twitter Friendship

A Touching Example of Twitter Friendship

One of my favorite aspects of Twitter is the collaboration that happens among us. The creative energy that flows on Twitter has always been very insp ...
13 Snow Pictures To Make You Smile!

13 Snow Pictures To Make You Smile!

For several months now I’ve been watching many of my friends on Twitter tweet about snow. They talk about shoveling their cars out of snow and making ...
The New Light Bulb Needs No Electricity To Light Up

The New Light Bulb Needs No Electricity To Light Up

It's been a while since I have visited this realm of electricity and how we can potentially make an environmental difference, so I thought I would dig ...

How Much Is Your Twitter Account Worth?

I love Twitter and I tweet a lot! Those who follow me on the social networking platform know this of me.  I also love making Twitter birds and while I ...
Your Flix in a Flash!

Your Flix in a Flash!

What if you want to create a video for your friend, but you only have photos and no video clips? What do you do? Good thing there are great applicat ...
The ISS Reboost | Your Geek Style Physics Lesson

The ISS Reboost | Your Geek Style Physics Lesson

Learning about Space is fascinating because it opens our eyes to the vastness of the Universe. Whenever I see footage from Space, my favorite part is ...
To Vlog or not To Vlog?!

To Vlog or not To Vlog?!

Everyone is entitled to the way he or she wants to express themselves.  Artists paints, sketch and design while writers blog.  Some people find it muc ...
The New Barbie Is A Geek!

The New Barbie Is A Geek!

Little girls love Barbie dolls. When I was young, my sisters and I shared an entire playroom full of Barbie dolls and everything that goes along with ...
Hypnotizing Clock | Spiral Time Teller

Hypnotizing Clock | Spiral Time Teller

It's the one thing we all live by and it is never the same as last time you looked at it. Of course I mean the clock and how it lets us tell when it's ...
A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

It seems like it is easy to gain weight but so hard to lose the weight once you have gained it.  I see people really doing their best to stay healthy ...
A Tribute To All The Moms On Twitter

A Tribute To All The Moms On Twitter

I’m watching some pretty major things change in my house, and since I share my life with you, I was inspired to write this article and dedicate it to ...
Rising Twitter Stars | Girl Power!

Rising Twitter Stars | Girl Power!

It’s a small world on Twitter, unless you are a newbie. I say this because we often read posts about the popular people on Twitter. We are constantly ...

Make Your Video Shorter

How would you like to take footage with your video cam and be able to view an edited or short version of it really fast?  If you are used to video edi ...
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