Search query: work

Unimaginable Surrealistic Sand Sculptures

Unimaginable Surrealistic Sand Sculptures

Sometimes you just have to take a few steps back and enjoy all the creativity that is shared on the Internet. I know, it's hard to do in today's fast ...
Pointillism: The New Edge Of Graffiti Design

Pointillism: The New Edge Of Graffiti Design

There is a constant debate going about whether or not graffiti should be considered art. Whenever I write about graffiti, I always get a slew of comme ...
Designs Made With Dishes: Old Plates Transform Into Something New

Designs Made With Dishes: Old Plates Transform Into Something New

We love food at Bit Rebels. I used to write a lot about people who play with their food, and now I've shifted a little to creative food designs. The m ...
Coathangers: Razor Sharp Realistic Coat Hanger Sculptures

Coathangers: Razor Sharp Realistic Coat Hanger Sculptures

The everyday items that we all use sometimes seem dull and ordinary, and the thought that they might one day serve as material for an inspiring art pi ...
Book Of Life: Beautiful Butterflies Burst From This Stunning Book

Book Of Life: Beautiful Butterflies Burst From This Stunning Book

From a visual perspective, this is one of the most stunning books I've ever seen. It's actually not even a real book at all; it's a metal sculpture. T ...
The 365 Project – A Whole Year Of Fun For Photogs

The 365 Project – A Whole Year Of Fun For Photogs

So, you like photography? Then why not try the 365 Project? What is it? It is a fun website where you shoot and upload a photo for every day in 2012. ...
How To Make Parking Fun The Transformers Way [Image]

How To Make Parking Fun The Transformers Way [Image]

Are you sick and tired of parking lots being packed, and it literally takes you an hour to find an open spot? It's an insanely annoying feeling to cir ...
Geekify Your Wrists: Knitted Mario Mushroom Pulse Warmers

Geekify Your Wrists: Knitted Mario Mushroom Pulse Warmers

I'm a big fan of geeky gloves. Since it was 22F (-5.5C) degrees this morning in Atlanta, and I'm still freeeezing my tush off even though I have a lit ...
The Lobster Motorcycle: A Mind Blowing Food Carving

The Lobster Motorcycle: A Mind Blowing Food Carving

I remember about a year ago when Diana wrote an article about how you can kill a lobster the humane way. It was one of those articles on Bit Rebels th ...
Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

It's hard to believe that it is already January 2, and today as I looked over the 2,081 posts that I've written since Bit Rebels launched in 2009, I d ...
Facebook Shower Curtain: No More Hiding Behind The Screen

Facebook Shower Curtain: No More Hiding Behind The Screen

So there you are, thinking you are safe behind the screen while networking on Facebook, right? No one can see you and the constantly changing security ...
The Ultimate Guide To Business Card Design [Infographic]

The Ultimate Guide To Business Card Design [Infographic]

You might think you know exactly what kind of business card you want, but do you really know what it expresses? There are a lot of things that will af ...
Apple’s 1984 Ghostbusters Campaign Is Worthy Of A Geek Award

Apple’s 1984 Ghostbusters Campaign Is Worthy Of A Geek Award

There have been plenty of geeks in our timeline of world history. It's not always easy to spot a geek these days since being a geek today borders on b ...
100 Years Of Significant Events In 10 Minutes [Video]

100 Years Of Significant Events In 10 Minutes [Video]

We are rapidly wrapping up the year, and magazines, websites and columns are trying to fit all the significant events into some kind of order. It's ha ...
Apple On Borrowed Time Without Jobs

Apple On Borrowed Time Without Jobs

I have been following the works of the great Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for some time. It has been an interest of mine to follow and review historical ...
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