Tag: healthy

7 Foods You Need To Eat For Healthy Hair Growth
When you care about your hair, people notice. This is because how our hair looks determines how old or young we look (and feel). Having healthy-lookin ...

5 Powerful Foods That Help Control Chronic Migraines
If you are someone who deals with migraines on a regular basis, then you know how excruciating these episodes can be. It’s pretty horrible when you ge ...

Unscrambling The Question – Should Eggs Be A Part Of A Healthy Diet?
Much controversy has recently been involved with the food many of us all enjoy. Yes, eggs. They can be cooked in a variety of ways, from fried to poac ...

Top 4 Most Popular And Encouraging Workout Apps For Staying Fit
Unlike other fun activities, one might need to engage in serious exercises to help in staying fit. You will endure muscle aches, burning of lungs, fee ...
No Hassle Fitness App Tracks Your Movement Through Your Smartphone
There are too many fitness apps to count, but this is the easiest one I've come across yet. The reason this app called Moves is different is because i ...
SpiroSmart: The Simple App Some Doctors Use To Monitor Lung Health
Every day it seems we write about how technology enhances our lives in every way. Unless you're living in a forest somewhere deep in the woods, chance ...
The Urinal Design That Gives You A Health Score On A Touchscreen
One thing I don't understand about men is why so many of them have such a fascination with peeing and farting. When my son farts, you'd think he heard ...
World’s First Lego Greenhouse Built With 100,000 Lego Bricks
Many people consider London to be the design capital of the world, and each year in September when I see all the designs showcased at the London Desig ...
How To: Live Forever (Ok, Maybe Not, But Almost)
If you could live forever, would you want to? Seriously, if there was a way, aside from becoming a vampire, that you could live forever and never die, ...
The Healing Power Of Banana Peels
Apparently banana peels are a kind of miracle drug, and I'm just now finding out about it. Since I'm not a big fan of medicine, I'm really excited abo ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth
I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
Yoga For Dogs: Gotta Keep Those Paws Strong
Is it just me or does it seem like dogs are becoming more and more like humans every day? Hmm... I can't decide how I feel about that. I don't know wh ...
How To: Determine Your Stress Level In 2 Seconds
Are you stressed out right now? How stressed are you? Are you "I need a vacation" stressed or "I need to go to the hospital" stressed? This is a way f ...
Dirty or Delicious: The 5-Second-Rule Investigated
If you have kids, you are probably familiar with the 5-second-rule. It's a rule that claims that if you drop food on the floor, but pick it up within ...
8 Ways Twitter Can Make You A Better Person
I enjoy being on Twitter. I am on that site all the time. I started using Twitter in 2008, and I have seen firsthand its tremendous growth. I remem ...