Tag: planet

Han Solo In Carbonite Was Found On Planet Mercury (Not Surprising)
It's not surprising that Han Solo was found encased in carbonite on planet Mercury. I mean, we see people and faces in stuff all the time. Whether it' ...
![How Much Money Would It Cost For You To Live On Mars? [Infographic] How Much Money Would It Cost For You To Live On Mars? [Infographic]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/cost-of-living-on-mars.jpg)
How Much Money Would It Cost For You To Live On Mars? [Infographic]
People have always been fascinated by the thought of traveling to Mars. Whenever I think about what it would be like to live on Mars, I am reminded of ...

Leaf Carvings: Cars, Trucks & Airplanes Cut Into Leaves
There's been a lot of leaf carvings featured around the Internet over the past few months. When I first started seeing them, my brain didn't really ge ...
![A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video] A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Earth-Lap-Time-Lapse-Video-1.jpg)
A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video]
Planet Earth, the ball suspended in space that we will most likely call home for the remaining days of our lives. What do we really know about her? Do ...
A Disease Called Humans: A Creative Comic About The Earth
One thing that we love at Bit Rebels is the planet. Since we all live so far apart from each other, we feel the distance and the vastness of the Earth ...
Gorgeous Dress Made From Old Magazines & Garbage Bags
Let me just start this article by saying if I tried to make a dress out of old magazines and garbage bags, it would look like something fit for the tr ...
One Day On Earth: Every Country On The Same Day [Video]
We are all just specks of dust in the universe. Does that make our lives insignificant? I believe it doesn't because even though we are just an itty-b ...
Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps
I read something the other day that said most people don't understand what global warming is. The phrase itself, "global warming," has been used so mu ...
How The Internet Is Killing The Planet [Infographic]
The Internet can be a hazardous place to mingle around, and it's apparent people are taking all the precautions they can to protect themselves and the ...
Waste In Space: It’s Not Just Earth That Needs Cleaning Up
I know there is a lot of garbage on earth, that's no surprise, but I never thought about it being in space before. And yes, most of the trash in space ...
This Is What A Typical Person Looks Like: Are You Typical?
I've often wondered what keeps a company like National Geographic (formerly National Geographic Magazine) going decade after decade. That yellow-fram ...
Artistic Inspiration: Laptops Created From Wood Scraps
It seems like everyday there are new articles published with ways we can help to save our environment. It's so important that we all make an effort t ...
How To: Make A Planetary Clock For Your Next Trip To Mars
I have written a lot of DIY articles on Bit Rebels, but I think this one has the most in-depth tutorial I've ever seen. Alexander Avtanski built a cl ...
The Octopus That Lives In A Beer Bottle
We talk a lot about recycling on Bit Rebels. We only have one planet Earth, and once it's ruined, we can't just make another one. We have to each ta ...
Recycling: Old Plastic Toys Get A New Life As A Dog
If you have young children, you probably know what it's like to have itty-bitty toys all around your house. Whether it's little plastic numbers, piec ...