Tag: Police

How Does The City Of Houston Handle Minor Car Accidents?
With a population of over two million and growing, things can get pretty congested throughout the Houston area. Several people will hear this statemen ...

Upload A Pic And See Your Face On Meth After 5 Years Of Drug Abuse
I learned early on that drugs could ruin a person's life. When I was a kid, I remember getting annoyed at all the people who tried to teach me about t ...

Full-Size Crocheted Police Car Model Is A Different Kind Of Fuzz
Finally! There's a decent crocheted police car. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Nah, but really, this isn't something you see everyday. Th ...

Woman Attacks Over Missing Girl Scout Cookies
This is so funny to me because I love Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies and if mine came up missing, I might attack someone too. I mean, you just don't me ...

The Bulletproof Clipboard: Cause You Never Know
I know this isn't supposed to be funny, but for some reason, writing this article is making me laugh. I mean, really? A clipboard? All joking aside ...

Beware Criminals: McDonald’s Will Spray You With DNA!
This is awesome! I don't know much about DNA technology, but what I do know is that if a thief leaves a trace of DNA, he's totally busted. Of course ...
Affect Media Campaign: Hidden Personalities Photography
One of my favorite pastimes is to just sit at an Internet cafe and enjoy a nice coffee, working a bit and watching people that walk by. Yeah, like yo ...

The Bloody Safe Driving Campaign – Will It Work?
We are all aware of the dangers that stem from talking on our cell phone while driving. In Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka in India, this has bec ...
When High Heels goes 911
All right, so men officially stepped in on women's most sacred turf and created a pair of high heels that are sure to give the woman who wears them a ...
Twitter Police – Now It’s Serious!
It had to come sooner or later right. Some law enforcement to check up on all of us and everything. I never thought about it until now actually. It's ...
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