Tag: Sensor

DIY High Tech Rainbow Kicks: The High-Top Sneakers That Light Up
Light-up sneakers have come a long way in the past few years. If you want to show the world you have the most high tech custom sneakers ever, you migh ...

Brilliant Raspberry Pi Build That Is Like A Babysitter For Hurt Bird
It's heartwarming when technology improves the lives of people around the world, and it's also touching when it reaches over into the lives of animals ...

Wi-Fi Enabled Tooth Sensor Knows If You Cheat On Your Diet
When you think about it, when it comes to addiction, many of our vices enter our bodies through our mouths (alcohol, food, smoking, etc.). Wouldn't it ...

Touch Communication Bracelet Lets You Touch Someone Who Is Far Away
Ever since people have been falling in love on social media, they've been coming up with ways to bridge the distance. There have been a lot of 'touch ...
Wearable Air Pollution Monitoring Sensor Analyzes Your Air Quality
Depending on where you live, you might be concerned about air quality. You might even live in a place with poor air quality, and you don't realize it. ...
Navigation Glasses Allow Blind People To See Through Audio
I can't help but marvel over some innovators' ability to take technology and turn it into something almost otherworldly. We have seen examples of this ...
Swallow Your Daily Password In A Vitamin Pill & Log In With A Touch
As computer geeks, one of the most inconvenient things we have to deal with is keeping up with all our passwords. It's a pain in the butt, but we do i ...
BrickPi Kit Turns Your Raspberry Pi Into Your Own Custom LEGO Robot
If you got your hands on a Raspberry Pi last year when they became available, you've probably had a lot of fun with it. Even though I've had my Pi fro ...
Lifespan Of A LEGO Brick: Geeky Stress Test Shows How Long They Last
Have you ever wondered about the lifespan of LEGO bricks? Have you ever wanted to know how long they last? If we're talking about the bricks themselve ...
Finger Mouse Tracks Movements In 3D Space In Cramped Areas
The mouse has long been the primary device to control things on the screen. That along with the keyboard of course, but the mouse probably stands for ...
High Tech Wastebasket Moves To Catch The Trash You Throw At It
How would you like to throw a piece of crumpled up paper at the wastebasket on the floor, and regardless of where you threw it, it would make a clean ...
Augmented Body: Wear Cat Ears Controlled By Brain Waves
Just when I thought I would never see any crazy inventions from Japan that could ever top what I've already seen and written about before, I stumbled ...
Genius Digitally Exploding High Five Glove!
What else could you be doing at a company when your main objective is to find the coolest and most geeky news other than going around doing High Fives ...

Conway Mathematical Game of Life: Interactive with LEDs
There is a chance that this may be the geekiest thing you've read all week. The wonderful people at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories created this humo ...
Now Your Plants Can Tweet Too!
It's social media day today, and it seems that social media is truly here to stay. Of course, this is thanks to Twitter, YouTube and FaceBook. More ...