Tag: social media
Make Yourself A Piece Of Offline Time
Okay, let's acknowledge the oddness here straight out. I'm writing about the peace you can achieve by spending time offline, yet I'm a Twitter and onl ...
The Growing Impact Of Internet On Education [Infographic]
It sure is an exciting time for the nimble and innovative! With mainstream adoption, the Internet and social media have pervaded every aspect of our l ...
Understoodit Classroom App: Press Red Button If You’re Confused
It’s early in the morning, and you’re sitting in class. You pulled an all-nighter yesterday, and the evening before you may or may not have been out p ...
What Happens On The Internet In A Typical Day [Infographic]
The Internet is such a lifeline for many of us, and quite honestly, I don't know how we ever survived without it. If I had to go a week without gettin ...
Social Media’s Effect On Romantic Relationships [Infographic]
The generation of children born today will always know the impact social media has when it comes to romantic relationships. However, the people in my ...
Internet Usage Predictions For 2012 [Infographic]
If you are an every day developer for the Internet, it is always important to stay on top of the trends when it comes to what is going on and what is ...
Why Twitter Keeps You Up At Night
I'm guilty. No, I haven't done anything criminal, but I do admit to falling for one of the cardinal social media sins affecting users today: Waking up ...
Geek Fantasy Fandoms On Pinterest
Sometimes it's easy to assume that sites like Pinterest are targeted for fashion obsessed teenage girls. Sometimes I must admit, this is true. That's ...
Creative Library Ads: A Twist On Facebook, Twitter & YouTube
Maybe I sound like a nerd, but libraries used to be such a fun place to hang out back in the mid '90s. I remember the library at my University was an ...
The Smartphone That Knows When You Are Angry & Annoyed
The people and brands who have been successful with social media in the past are the ones who are transparent. In other words, they are open and they ...
Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]
In 2011, we saw a lot of new trends emerge that implied social media was taking yet another step towards ruling not only the Internet, but also our li ...
Facebook Shower Curtain: No More Hiding Behind The Screen
So there you are, thinking you are safe behind the screen while networking on Facebook, right? No one can see you and the constantly changing security ...
Technology Gets Cozy: The BFF Phone That Becomes Your Friend
Since technology is becoming more and more human, the smartphones we have in the very near future might become more than just phones. There might be a ...
Spice Up Your Video Chatting With Creative Backdrops
I don't video chat often, but I still use my Skype a lot. Since I'm usually in my pajamas with my hair in a ponytail when I Skype, it's much easier to ...
Grooving Graduates: The Dance Your PhD Contest
I went to graduate school. It was a great experience. I learned a lot. I experienced the world. However, I seem to have missed out on one vital part o ...