Category: Lifestyle - Page 231

6 Stages Of Movie Geek Evolution

6 Stages Of Movie Geek Evolution

Are you a movie geek? I thought I was a movie geek until I started writing for Bit Rebels. I realize now that I'm a movie lightweight. Here's a good t ...
Photography: Your Refrigerator Reveals Your Life

Photography: Your Refrigerator Reveals Your Life

I've always said that you can tell a lot about a person by checking out their refrigerator. If people walked into my home and went to my fridge, they ...
How To: Peel An Orange In One Piece

How To: Peel An Orange In One Piece

We all have those little things in life that make us feel good, don't we? For me, it's opening a pickle jar without having to bang it on the counter f ...
Rise Above It All: Experience Human Flight

Rise Above It All: Experience Human Flight

I know that life can be tough. Everyone has their own battles they face everyday. Some people struggle with financial challenges, others with relation ...
Nature’s Gift: 9 Beautiful Butterfly Wing Patterns

Nature’s Gift: 9 Beautiful Butterfly Wing Patterns

For me, one of the best ways to celebrate life is to get outside and enjoy nature. Sometimes for us computer geeks, that might just mean taking the ti ...
Stupid Shit Women Say That Men Don’t Get

Stupid Shit Women Say That Men Don’t Get

I've been thinking a lot lately about the differences in the way men and women communicate. I'm the first to admit that as a woman, I know I say a lot ...
Unusual Hiking: When Ordinary Just Isn’t Enough

Unusual Hiking: When Ordinary Just Isn’t Enough

I am sure you have been thinking to yourself that ordinary vacations are getting kind of old and boring. You are in search of something new and exciti ...
RageGage: The Adult Temper Tantrum Tool

RageGage: The Adult Temper Tantrum Tool

The daily traffic jams we have in Atlanta aren't for the weak. If you know anything about the weather here, you know that for about nine months out of ...
Sitting Down Is Killing You [Infographic]

Sitting Down Is Killing You [Infographic]

When you have a desk job, it's easy to see the advantages of sitting at a desk inside when looking outside and there is a guy shoveling snow in front ...
Smallest Town In America: Population One Person

Smallest Town In America: Population One Person

I can't decide if this is sad or kinda neat. As you see in that sign, the town of Monowi, Nebraska has a population of one person. Her name is Elsie E ...
How Americans Feel About The Osama Mission [Infographic]

How Americans Feel About The Osama Mission [Infographic]

I remember exactly where I was the morning of September 11, 2001. I was sitting on the floor of my living room with the television on. I was playing w ...
How To: Make Pop Rocks

How To: Make Pop Rocks

Do you remember eating Pop Rocks as a kid? I do. It was like a chemistry experiment exploding in my mouth every time I ate them. I thought that eating ...
Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps

Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps

I read something the other day that said most people don't understand what global warming is. The phrase itself, "global warming," has been used so mu ...
5 Tips For Handling Failure

5 Tips For Handling Failure

We are overjoyed when we know of friends who are experiencing triumphs and successes in life. Whether it be with their relationships, work, or whateve ...
The Real Cost Of Dating [Infographic]

The Real Cost Of Dating [Infographic]

So there you are, you're just about to go on that first date. As a guy, you always want to make a good impression and be the expected gentleman you kn ...
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