Category: Lifestyle - Page 231
Igloo Hotel: Pure Zen In The Middle Of All The Snow
I am a real sucker for travel experiences and if I had to choose I would go for an experience rather than some gadget or a toy. The experience lasts a ...
Office Bliss: The Importance Of Happiness At Work [Infographic]
If you have ever been subject to the limitations of office hours, you know that the inspiration they can bring is about as much as you will get action ...
Poor Little Trees: Cut Down Forest Trees With Sad Faces
Trees are living things, and each time one gets cut down, it's a little sad. Some trees grow for decades to become the huge natural masterpieces we so ...
Inspiration: A Tea Bag Package Folds Into An Origami Cup
Someday, when I learn how to make my own infographics, I'm going to design one about the difference between tea drinkers and coffee drinkers. I hope i ...
A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video]
Planet Earth, the ball suspended in space that we will most likely call home for the remaining days of our lives. What do we really know about her? Do ...
Miracle Of Nature: Close Up Photographs Of Animal Eyes
I think eyes are one of the most interesting parts of the human body. Everything about them from the science behind how we get our eye color to these ...
World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu
I love sushi. I could eat it everyday. It's right up there with chicken wings in my book, which are pretty high on my list. How would you like to go i ...
Lobster In Ice Cream: Disgusting Or Delicious
We write about a lot of things on Bit Rebels that fall into the WTF category of creations. They are usually things that you just have to stare at in d ...
New World Record: World’s Largest Chocolate Bar
As you might have figured out from all the news about it online lately, the Guinness Book of World Record people have been out and about recently, sho ...
What Americans Watch Online While Working [Infographic]
One of the most important aspects of any company's Internet security policy seems to be whether or not their employees should be allowed to use Facebo ...
Slice Of Heaven: A Chocolate Pizza With Chocolate Toppings
If you've read my articles before, you might know that I try not to eat a lot of sugar, but I love chocolate. Whenever I get a craving for a big fat c ...
Imperial Forces Wallpaper: The Dark Side Of Interior Design
Let's organize a mental picture for a second. Imagine not only the world being heavily inspired by Star Wars, but also that we started living in the s ...
The One Major Flaw In Social Media Friendships
If you are familiar with Bit Rebels, you know that between @mistygirlph and I, we've written several dozen articles about social media friendships ove ...
Uh Oh, Here We Go Again: Why Men Die Before Women Part 2
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled This Is Why Men Die Before Women. It was a post with 14 very lovely pictures showing the brilliance of me ...
Every Hipster Fashion Style Comes From A Lonely Geek
It should come as no surprise to anyone that fashion has to start somewhere. There are countless examples of things that start to become popular just ...