Category: Social Media - Page 84

What is Google Social Search?

What is Google Social Search?

Google Social Search is an experimental feature that helps you find relevant public web content from people in your social circle, when you're signed ...

5 Reasons To Smile When You Get A Negative Blog Comment

Most of what I write about on this blog comes directly from personal experience. When I look back at my posts, they read almost like an online diary. ...
Measure Social Media | ROI

Measure Social Media | ROI

You always see the word ROI or Return on Investment on articles, and on twitter.  You always read about measuring your involvement or for some busines ...
Social Media Blues

Social Media Blues

Everyone now is involved in  Social Media.  People have been very creative in making sure that everyone understands what it is all about.  It can be i ...
The Most Popular Tweets on the Web

The Most Popular Tweets on the Web

If you have been on Twitter for quiet some time now you must already know what RT or Re Tweeted means.  Simply put 'ReTweeting' is a simple way of re ...
Twave! Integrate Google Wave and Twitter!

Twave! Integrate Google Wave and Twitter!

Google Wave has been the buzz the past few months and more so when people started getting their invites. More and more people are now testing and giv ...
How To: Finally Get Your Google Wave Invite

How To: Finally Get Your Google Wave Invite

A friend came to my house today to check out Google Wave. She wanted a wave account so badly, and within 30 minutes of our visit, she had her own acc ...
Web Service to See Who is Tweeting Links from Your Content

Web Service to See Who is Tweeting Links from Your Content

Tweetiator is a patent-pending web service that allows content owners to see who is tweeting links to their content on Twitter. It was conceived and d ...
Google Wave in Plain English

Google Wave in Plain English

No one could have missed the pre-invitations to Google's new and highly anticipated email killer. Or at least that's how it's portrayed. I was happily ...

My Experience with Google Wave – A Review

Several weeks ago I wrote an article called, “Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?”. Today, I am writing a follow up article now that I have had firsthan ...
Privacy with Your Online Diary?!

Privacy with Your Online Diary?!

Are you like Bridgette Jones and writes on her diary?  Now there is a new application called PENZU.  Penzu is an online diary and personal journal tha ...
The Guy Who Hates Twitter and Everything Else..

The Guy Who Hates Twitter and Everything Else..

I'm not sure if you guys have seen this video about a guy who hates Twitter and seems like everything else. With the dawn of new technology and the v ...
Play Games| Meet People | Hang Out

Play Games| Meet People | Hang Out

Here is a site that enables you to play  multi player games for free, meet friends and hang out.  OMGPOP started in 2006 as iminlikewithyou, a place f ...
Real Friends VS Internet Friends

Real Friends VS Internet Friends

Since I gain a lot of inspiration from reading tweets, sometimes when I’m waiting for that rush of creative adrenaline to hit me, I will spend a few m ...
What is Google Wave? Is it Better than Email?

What is Google Wave? Is it Better than Email?

Have you gotten your invite yet? Well for others who have not, here is a chance for us to take a look at what Google Wave is and answer the question, ...
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