Category: Social Media - Page 85

140 Conf – Twitterific!

140 Conf – Twitterific!

Everyday now on Twitter you see the word 140 Conf on your stream. What is it really you may ask? Well did a bit of digging and here are the interest ...
Is Auto Tweet a Dirty Word?

Is Auto Tweet a Dirty Word?

It is interesting to me how certain topics on Twitter are taboo to talk about. I am fascinated by how that happens since there is no voice communicati ...
#UFO | The New Trend Word of Twitter?

#UFO | The New Trend Word of Twitter?

Having a great number of followers on Twitter is great, and I try and connect with as many as I possibly can and have time to. Still, I wish I could c ...
Think Twice Before Changing Your Avatar!

Think Twice Before Changing Your Avatar!

I’ve been on Twitter daily for many months now and my photo was becoming outdated. I decided to update it with a recent photo since I look drasticall ...
The Magic Formula For Blog Retweets

The Magic Formula For Blog Retweets

You’ve worked hard on a post that you think many people will like. You tweet it to all your followers and wait to see all the RTs come in on your str ...
My 3 Favorite Sites to Play Music on Twitter

My 3 Favorite Sites to Play Music on Twitter

Music is one big source of inspiration for me, helps me relax.  Puts me in the mood for work.  Cheers me up when I feel blue.  But since most of my ti ...
See What Charity Water Accomplished in 3 Years!

See What Charity Water Accomplished in 3 Years!

In September, Charity Water turned 3 years old. This story is so inspiring to me because so many of us have big aspirations of doing big things, but ...
The Social Media Diet

The Social Media Diet

Americans spend roughly nine hours in front of some sort of monitor each day. Check out this illustration by Jason Lee published in Wired. The soci ...
Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Before I weigh in on the answer to the question "Will Google Wave replace Twitter," I want to explain to you the best I can what the heck Google Wave ...
Did You Know 4.0?

Did You Know 4.0?

As in an early post by Diana 10 Signs: Change Is Happening in Your Life, the message was that the only true constant thing now is change.  The way we ...
How to Create A Profile Page on FaceBook

How to Create A Profile Page on FaceBook

Created a profile page for Mistygirlph on FaceBook so that I could interact and share what i learn and what others have shared with me on a more exten ...

Twitter DISC Personality Types & Examples

For many years I’ve taught the DISC personality assessment to direct sales companies. The interesting thing is that I’ve noticed these personalities a ...
Taking the Next Step with Twitter.

Taking the Next Step with Twitter.

Twitter has brought together people, co-workers and communities. Alliances in work, beliefs, causes have raised awareness and money and given people ...
Another Scary Treat with Social Media Twist

Another Scary Treat with Social Media Twist

Doritos and Snack Strong Productions is back with another interactive game called Asylum 626. Much like its other game Hotel 626 , where players can p ...
Remotely Control Your Computer Using Twitter

Remotely Control Your Computer Using Twitter

Twitter has many different 3rd party software's that makes your everyday work a lot easier. Many of them located on the Internet for easier access. Ho ...
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