Search query: birthday

Twitter | Rest In Peace, We’ll Miss You

Twitter | Rest In Peace, We’ll Miss You

This article has my name listed as the author, but really, the smart and savvy @CtKscribe is responsible for all this fabulousness. In her own words, ...
Interview | – The Color of Printing

Interview | – The Color of Printing

We've covered quite a few companies here on Bit Rebels and now it is time to feature This is an online printing service with an edge th ...
Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

I’m a very visual person and I get a lot of inspiration from looking at beautifully designed websites. Since I am not a designer, I often take for gra ...

Most Expensive Cupcake!? FTW

I love cupcakes, they are not just yummy to eat but also a great way to show off your creative talent.  What do I mean?  Example you plan to have a bi ...
Personalize Your Greeting (e)Cards via Video

Personalize Your Greeting (e)Cards via Video

I like receiving eCards most specially when they are personally made for me.  Shows you that the one sending it, made such an effort to make you smile ...

7 Things NOT Said at the First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love getting together with family to share a large feast and playing "how many belt buckle holes I can drop". A ...
Google Doodle | Sesame Street Celebrating 40 Years!

Google Doodle | Sesame Street Celebrating 40 Years!

Who does not know Sesame Street?  I think everyone has grown up with the television show.  Sesame Street recently celebrated its 40 years and Google h ...

Social Bookmarking | What is it?

The web is a great resource of all types of information.  What if you find a cool reference?  Some people would bookmark it in their own computer, but ...
ABC3D | Next Gen Learning Pop-Up Book

ABC3D | Next Gen Learning Pop-Up Book

Do you remember the birthday cards you sometimes got when you were a child. Those pop-up cards that if they were really nice had those "Happy Birthday ...
See What Charity Water Accomplished in 3 Years!

See What Charity Water Accomplished in 3 Years!

In September, Charity Water turned 3 years old. This story is so inspiring to me because so many of us have big aspirations of doing big things, but ...
Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are

Could you win a staring contest (no blinking allowed) with monsters in order to become King? Max did, and on October 16th, we will be able to see the ...
Musical Paper

Musical Paper

Imagine being able create music by just punching some holes on a specially designed paper kit and viola! Found this Mechanical Music Box Kit. You go ...

Free Music Album: Undertheigloo

I found Undertheilgloo a few years ago now, I bought their first album, well actually I had their first album given to me by my sister for my birthday ...

Bit Rebels Now 2 Months Old – Statistics

Time flies they say when you're having fun. And that it certainly has. It seems like I just announced the launch of Bit Rebels and now we have passed ...
DIY – Origami Photo Frame Design

DIY – Origami Photo Frame Design

This is a pretty neat little trick for your wedding or for any birthday you might attend or throw. It's an origami lesson in how to create an Origami ...
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