Search query: auto

Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

A while ago I wrote about the most Applified Mercedez Benz ever customized, and there were a lot of people who really liked the experience of that car ...
Company Raises $150,000 To Make Documentary About Minecraft

Company Raises $150,000 To Make Documentary About Minecraft

It's amazing when social media works as it's intended. We have seen it here on Bit Rebels, and we're constantly monitoring it through all of our chann ...
7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

I remember back in the day (2009), I wrote many articles about how to build real friendships in social media. Back then; people were skeptical that i ...
This Is Why Parents Shouldn’t Text [Humor]

This Is Why Parents Shouldn’t Text [Humor]

I refuse to friend anyone in my family on Facebook. There, I said it. It completely creeps me out when my two worlds collide. There is a friend wor ...
Kinect SwimBrowser: Surf The Internet Doing The Breast Stroke

Kinect SwimBrowser: Surf The Internet Doing The Breast Stroke

We all know what great exercise swimming is. When I first read about this, I thought, "Great! Now we can swim, get exercise and surf the web all at t ...
How To: Shave Your Entire Head In 24 Seconds

How To: Shave Your Entire Head In 24 Seconds

There are some things in life that often make me joyously happy I'm a girl, and not a guy. Not having to shave my face is one of them. I don't know ...
Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...
Los Angeles Zoo: Creative Ad Campaign In The Name Of Geek

Los Angeles Zoo: Creative Ad Campaign In The Name Of Geek

One of the most creative industries must be advertising.  Designing ideas and coming up with good ad campaigns must be a truly rewarding job if everyt ...
Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline

Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline

Since this is not a political blog, we don't usually write about what happens in the governments around the world. However, we do write about social ...
How Important Is Your Twitter Username?

How Important Is Your Twitter Username?

I remember back in the 6th grade, Calvin Klein jeans were very popular. All the girls in "the club" wore them, and I begged my mother to take me shopp ...
The Most Important Twitter Rule of 2011

The Most Important Twitter Rule of 2011

Except for the eight days when I had a serious case of Social Media Burnout, I've been on Twitter every day since March of 2009. There are some very ...
This Is Jada: The First Working Badminton Robot In The World

This Is Jada: The First Working Badminton Robot In The World

Sports have always been the main activity for kids to get their butts out the door. For grown-ups, it's a bit different since with age we seem to slo ...
Romba Pac-Man: Vacuuming Suddenly Makes So Much More Sense!

Romba Pac-Man: Vacuuming Suddenly Makes So Much More Sense!

It was a while ago now that we saw the first generation of the robotic or autonomous vacuum cleaner grace the shelves in the stores. At first it was ...
Design Inspiration: Tattooing on Paper

Design Inspiration: Tattooing on Paper

I love this! It's probably because I really like writing about different types of tattoos (although I don't have any), and I also love papercraft or ...
The TRON Inspired Interactive Skateboard Ramp

The TRON Inspired Interactive Skateboard Ramp

I never knew until recently how many people are huge fans of TRON! I haven't seen the new movie yet, but I plan to check it out this week. TRON insp ...
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