Search query: watch

How to Get a GF if you are a N3rd

First of all let's define what a N3rd is. Nerd (pronounced /ˈnɜrd/) is a term often bearing a derogatory connotation or stereotype, that refers to ...
Building Worlds Most Powerful Computer – Time Lapse

Building Worlds Most Powerful Computer – Time Lapse

Did you know that the worlds most powerful computer is a Jaguar? Nah, it's only named Jaguar and it was build for science purposes only. Specs of the ...
Blink 182 Augmented Reality in a Bag

Blink 182 Augmented Reality in a Bag

Doritos Late Night Show features the music of Blink 182 - The Rock Show by the technology AR or Augmented Reality.  A specially marked paper which ca ...
Aliens In Our Sewers

Aliens In Our Sewers

So the day finally came when we heard we had Aliens in our sewers. Having lived in Los Angeles I have certainly heard my share of creatures lurking ar ...
Super Mario Why Don’t you Get a Job?

Super Mario Why Don’t you Get a Job?

I did a post on, what graphic designers do when they are bored! and we noticed that it was really well received.  Found some more but this time, its ...
ImprovEvrywhere : What is your Mission?

ImprovEvrywhere : What is your Mission?

Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Created in August of 2001 by Charlie Todd, Improv Everywhere has executed over 80 m ...
Live Feed and Social Media Integration

Live Feed and Social Media Integration

Technology is truly amazing.  After Mashable posted the different links where people could watch the Memorial Service, people flocked on to the diffe ...
Creative – Global Warming Videos

Creative – Global Warming Videos

Global warming has been the topic of so many advocacy campaigns in the past years. Found these cool videos that i feel are worth sharing.  The issue ...


Ever wondered what graphics artists do when they get bored. Here at BitRebels we also like sharing some stuff that has some fun humor in them.  If ...

Baby Glow Temperature Detector

Its a known fact that high temperature when baby has a fever can spell danger for the baby.  Overheating can cause a baby’s brain to shut down and ...
You Know You’re A Geek When..

You Know You’re A Geek When..

Don't deny it.  You know you are a creative geek when the stuff you buy emulates your passion for applications or even the movies you watch.  Found ...
Celebrity Caricature

Celebrity Caricature

Celebrities are cool subjects for caricatures. What is a caricature? A caricature can refer to a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of ...

OLED Wall – Philips Greatest Product

When doing my post on OLED keyboards I stumbled over something really awesomely sexy. It turns out that Philips is developing a new kind of wall surfa ...

YouTube: Frozen in Art

Browsing through one of my many RSS Subscriptions, I dropped in on the site and issue 63.   They are an Internet based design magazine or ...
Live Draw – Cartoon Blogs

Live Draw – Cartoon Blogs

I am a N E R D when it comes to Design and Developing new ideas. I just can't get enough of the good stuff and I am always on the lookout for new exci ...
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