Search query: workplace

5 Most Outrageous Ways To Get Arrested & Thrown In Jail

5 Most Outrageous Ways To Get Arrested & Thrown In Jail

So you want to take a little vacation at your neighborhood correctional facility. Okay, whatever floats your boat. Maybe you're an actor researching t ...
The Importance Of A Healthy Work Environment [Infographic]

The Importance Of A Healthy Work Environment [Infographic]

Considering the amount of time we spend in the office, at home or in some coffee shop working feverishly over a computer for work, it is important tha ...
THE Missing Voice On Your Business Board of Directors

THE Missing Voice On Your Business Board of Directors

Creating diversity in the board room has reached critical mass according to Bloomberg findings supported by Catalyst Census. According to Catalyst, a ...
4 Geeky Ways To Stay Safe While Working Naked

4 Geeky Ways To Stay Safe While Working Naked

Whether you’re literally working naked, birthday suit and all, or figuratively working naked — without the support of the corporate workplace — stayin ...
Employees Tweeting At Work: Two Different Opinions [Infographic]

Employees Tweeting At Work: Two Different Opinions [Infographic]

Tweeting while at work is a very interesting topic to me because I personally know people who have polar opposite opinions about this. A while back, I ...
5 Fascinating Facts About Twitter’s History

5 Fascinating Facts About Twitter’s History

If you are a regular on Bit Rebels, you've probably noticed that I've written close to 100 articles about Twitter. Twitter is very near and dear to m ...
Office Kitchen Politics: Does This Happen At Your Office?

Office Kitchen Politics: Does This Happen At Your Office?

The other day I wrote an article about laziness in the workplace. It was really funny to see how many people in Corporate America spend their time du ...
Social Media in Plain English

Social Media in Plain English

Sometimes the best way to illustrate a topic is via video, where people who hate to read long text filled posts or articles.  You Tube is one great s ...
Want World of Warcraft for Free?

Want World of Warcraft for Free?

Well it maybe not the infamous WOW itself, but its a very close "idea".  I have to stand up now and say, I used to play WOW, a good fair bit, my wife ...
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