Search query: coffee

Google’s Favorite Place | Using QR Codes for Business

Google’s Favorite Place | Using QR Codes for Business

We have been hearing about QR Codes since early this year, but leaves you wondering how it can be used on a more practical and efficient means. Now w ...
Magical Foam Artwork Made with a Sharpie

Magical Foam Artwork Made with a Sharpie

What can you do with a sharpie and a styrofoam cup? If you ask Cheeming Boey, you can do a lot. He started doodling on these cups with a sharpie in ...
Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

I remember receiving my first Twitter inspired gift, and that was when my sister got me a Tweet Me Pajamas.  I was so thrilled to use it, being a Twit ...
How to Effectively w00t

How to Effectively w00t

If you are on Twitter, are a geek, a gamer, or following any of us Rebels, you have heard and probably even used the word "w00t!" Its a term that is T ...
How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

It’s 10pm, you finally sat down to relax and update your blog. You get comfortable, turn on some music, and stare at your computer screen. Nothing. ...

How To: Live Greener By Reusing Everyday Items

One simple thing we can all do to be kind to the environment is reduce the amount of trash we produce. According to the video below, between Thanksgi ...

5 Reasons To Smile When You Get A Negative Blog Comment

Most of what I write about on this blog comes directly from personal experience. When I look back at my posts, they read almost like an online diary. ...
The Force Is Strong With This One!

The Force Is Strong With This One!

It's not everyday that someone stops you dead in your tracks and opens your eyes to what has always been there. Often thought as a crazy or part of so ...
Writer Contest | Announcing The Winner!

Writer Contest | Announcing The Winner!

A little over a week has passed since we announced the three remaining finalists and it's time to reveal who managed to bring us the most interesting ...
Installation Art | in your living room

Installation Art | in your living room

For those of you who love other people's apartments, but don't know what to do with your own, this post is for you : ) You don't need to hire a sty ...
How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath

How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath

I love garlic. I eat it every day. Therefore, I'm always paranoid about bad breath. But, how do we know for sure that we have bad breath? Sure, we ...

The good, bad and the ugly

If your life is anything like mine, your day is spent sitting in front of your computer almost all day long, with out taking much of a break. One thin ...
Top 10 Camping Gadgets for Geeks

Top 10 Camping Gadgets for Geeks

In our family, summertime is all about being in the woods and camping.  There is nothing better than packing up our hummer with our equipment and our ...

Americano vs Au lait

I live in a city where 'grabbing a coffee' is more than a treat or a daily habit. Its a lifestyle. Your drink speaks more than 140 characters about wh ...

Just Can’t Get Enough Of Your Stats

The wonderful and deep world of google analytics is a place many site owner spends a regular amount of time each day over.  Mostly with the inhaling ...
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