Search query: robot

Droid To The World: A Creative Robot Nativity Scene

Droid To The World: A Creative Robot Nativity Scene

If you celebrate Christmas, you might have a nativity scene displayed in your home. Some of the churches here in Atlanta used to put nativity scenes o ...
Cup Noodle Robotimer Transformer: You Didn’t Know You Want This

Cup Noodle Robotimer Transformer: You Didn’t Know You Want This

When I went to China several months ago, one thing I remember was being served a hot cup noodle and chopsticks on the plane for a snack. I had never h ...
Where’s WALL-E: A Geek Robot Mashup With Where’s Waldo

Where’s WALL-E: A Geek Robot Mashup With Where’s Waldo

I don't know if this is really considered a mashup, but I love it. Do you remember Where's Waldo? I grew up on those books, and I remember spending ho ...
A Robot That Can Follow A Recipe & Bake Cookies

A Robot That Can Follow A Recipe & Bake Cookies

We've seen a lot of robots over the past few years, and when you see the video below, you might not think it's anything really impressive. However, th ...
Why Bother With A Diva Artist: The All Robot Band

Why Bother With A Diva Artist: The All Robot Band

I couldn't even tell you how many times I have worked with people in the studio who keep their diva personality up in the air as best they can. It's n ...
Interactive Robot Torso: Now You Can Hug Yourself

Interactive Robot Torso: Now You Can Hug Yourself

Hugs are an important part of good health. You know that, right? Hugs help reduce stress, they lower blood pressure, and they even slow down aging. It ...
The Science Behind Smelly Robot Armpits

The Science Behind Smelly Robot Armpits

If there were robots that looked exactly like humans roaming the earth, would you be able to tell the difference? There have been some really cool sci ...
Pancake Lego Robot: Makes The Geekiest Pancakes Ever

Pancake Lego Robot: Makes The Geekiest Pancakes Ever

Man, the kids that live in this house are so lucky. How cool would it be to have your own Lego pancake robot to make you Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes ...
Transformers: The Cars Behind The Robots [Infographic]

Transformers: The Cars Behind The Robots [Infographic]

I was never a huge Transformers fan as a kid.  There, I said it!  Even though that might sound weird coming from someone claiming to be in the realm o ...
Robot: Indian Movie Has World’s Most Insane Special Effects

Robot: Indian Movie Has World’s Most Insane Special Effects

You can date movie special effects all the way back to when movies had no sound.  We enjoy the fact that we can escape reality for just a couple of ho ...
This Is Jada: The First Working Badminton Robot In The World

This Is Jada: The First Working Badminton Robot In The World

Sports have always been the main activity for kids to get their butts out the door. For grown-ups, it's a bit different since with age we seem to slo ...
This Video Shows That Robots Will Outrun Us With Ease!

This Video Shows That Robots Will Outrun Us With Ease!

Little has been released on the subject since that big Honda showcase a couple of years ago when they showed the world why robots will sometime inhabi ...
Spare Wood Becomes Stunningly Cute Wooden Robots

Spare Wood Becomes Stunningly Cute Wooden Robots

Recycling can be done in so many ways, and it's important to know that as little as it may seem that you are doing by recycling, overall it makes a bi ...
Coffee: The New Super Ingredient In Future Robotics

Coffee: The New Super Ingredient In Future Robotics

Now that is an intriguing headline, don't you think? It's even more so when I have the pleasure of telling you that it is all true. Researchers have ...
Technology: Is This The First Robot Pop Star?

Technology: Is This The First Robot Pop Star?

I write about robots frequently because they fascinate me. In the past few years, scientists have come a long way in bridging the gap between human b ...
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