Search query: student

Online Spelling and Grammar Help for Writers!

There are so many new applications that are created each day!  It's a good thing we have so many developers that seek out ways to create applications ...
Introducing: Inhalable Chocolate and Coffee

Introducing: Inhalable Chocolate and Coffee

Harvard University is a very special place to me, I have ties there that always bring happy thoughts. My son's grandfather was a Quarterback at Harva ...
Cool Spoof | Here It Goes Again!

Cool Spoof | Here It Goes Again!

I am sure that you have already seen the video of the four guys who amazingly danced on the treadmill.  I love that video as I was truly impressed by ...
Best of XKCD – The Greatest Nerd Webcomic

Best of XKCD – The Greatest Nerd Webcomic

Ok, so if you are a nerd or geek of any kind then you have probably seen an XKCD or two. Well I am a die hard early adopting computer science geeky pr ...

Making Tea In An Augmented Reality World

We read about it all the time, augmented reality (AR) articles seem to be everywhere. Everyone wants a glimpse into the future, and it seems we are l ...
Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

We interrupt the regular Bit Rebels programming to bring you this important announcement: Did you know that a 10 foot long crab was captured in Great ...
101 Things You Can Do On a MoleSkine!

101 Things You Can Do On a MoleSkine!

Whenever I visit the mall, I never fail to drop by the bookshops.  I either be look for new materials I can use to draw or just browse around for book ...

5 Tools to Help Your Productivity

Busy Busy!  Everyone is living in a fast paced environment.  It doesn't matter who you are, time seems to be in short supply.  There are a lot of thin ...
Art Meets Technology | Dazzling Designs

Art Meets Technology | Dazzling Designs

It’s always mind bending to me when things that normally don’t go together, suddenly fit together well. I wouldn’t think that crafts and technology n ...

To Blog or Not To Blog?

Found some interesting Blogosphere stats from The Future Buzz (article dated January 12, 2009) and one Dec. 2009: and here is what they had revealed: ...

How To: Improve Your Kid’s Math Skills

Math is an important fundamental skill that every kid should master.  Parents with kids from the 1st to the 5th grade can now learn math via a multi-p ...
Funky Water Furniture Design!

Funky Water Furniture Design!

A form of waterbed was invented in the early 1800s by the Scottish physician Neil Arnott. Dr Arnott's Hydrostatic Bed was devised to prevent bedsores ...
The most hysterical 2001 Space Odyssey!!

The most hysterical 2001 Space Odyssey!!

Have you ever seen this movie?! Well, if you haven't you've most likely heard the theme to Stanley Kubrick's famed movie that opened our eyes and imag ...
FaceBook Games 101

FaceBook Games 101

Facebook is fast growing social networking site and for those of you who are on FaceBook you will notice that aside from updating status, uploading pi ...
Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

When I think about the artistry of Misty Belardo, I think of this quote by Henry Moore: “To be an artist is to believe in life.” Her artwork breathes ...
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