Search query: social media marketing

The Best Time Of Day To Tweet (To Get The Most RTs)

The Best Time Of Day To Tweet (To Get The Most RTs)

Twitter retweets are really quite fascinating once you start studying them. I find them interesting because the science behind them is not always what ...
10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

I have my email address at the bottom of each article I write here on Bit Rebels, and I've always encouraged readers to drop me a line if they ever ha ...
How To: Improve Your SEO With Twitter

How To: Improve Your SEO With Twitter

If you have a website, if you've read about SEO, and if you're on Twitter, you've probably heard tidbits here and there about how social media affects ...
The Surprising Discovery About Twitter Retweets

The Surprising Discovery About Twitter Retweets

I have seen so many posts written about the dynamics of Twitter retweets, and every time I read one, I always want to write my own on the topic. I'm ...
Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...

15 Reasons To Love Twitter!

When I started to use Twitter in 2008, it was not as popular as it is today. Just imagine in my country it is now no. 5 in terms of popularity. Back ...

Unique Ways to Use Twitter!

If you  read my post on the 10 Different Ways to Use Twitter here on Bit Rebels, you will notice that there are comments on the post asking for other ...
How Many Clicks Are You Getting?

How Many Clicks Are You Getting?

Why bother with statistics you may ask? Why should I even have to know the numbers? Statistics are important. Why? Here are some reasons why you shou ...
Domino’s Pizza | New Recipe #Fail?

Domino’s Pizza | New Recipe #Fail?

We’ve all seen it, the new Domino’s Pizza marketing campaign. It’s all over the internet and television. In case you’ve missed it, here’s the abbrev ...
Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

One of the best parts of being a writer at Bit Rebels and the assistant to Richard Darell is that I get to be in the company of some very talented peo ...
Did You Know 4.0?

Did You Know 4.0?

As in an early post by Diana 10 Signs: Change Is Happening in Your Life, the message was that the only true constant thing now is change.  The way we ...
The Man Behind @Mashable

The Man Behind @Mashable

On Twitter, one of the most Re Tweeted on social media  news and information is the ones that are  tweeted by @mashable .  But have you ever wondered ...
HOW TO: Develop into a Leader on Twitter

HOW TO: Develop into a Leader on Twitter

A tweet from @GuyKawasaki last week included a link to a Forbes magazine article with this quote: "Leaders are increasingly thinking of how they can b ...
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