Search query: apple iphone

Snap It & Stamp It – Camera Now Lets You Stamp Your Images!

Snap It & Stamp It – Camera Now Lets You Stamp Your Images!

I love technology and all we are able to come up with to make our lives that much more inspiring and fun. If it isn't the iPhone 4, it's something el ...

Industrial Velcro Will Bring New Uses To Your iPad

Many things will never become as versatile as the iPad. It's just a bundle of awesomeness that is only limited by the number of apps you put on it. ...
Droid Breakup: Brilliant Disassemble Of The Droid Phone

Droid Breakup: Brilliant Disassemble Of The Droid Phone

I don't know where the fascination started or who actually had the idea of breaking apart every new cell phone to check what's inside, but I am glad s ...
Two iPod Touch Prototypes With Camera Surfaces On Ebay

Two iPod Touch Prototypes With Camera Surfaces On Ebay

As if the world wasn't in enough chaos over Apple's monumental loss of the new iPhone model, we're now seeing a flood of new prototypes surfacing on t ...
Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

As a freelance designer, I know the importance of accurately and continuously tracking time to know exactly how much I am going to charge the client w ...
How To: Add a Camera to Your iPad

How To: Add a Camera to Your iPad

Many people have complained that the iPad lacks a lot of things. This includes a flash memory slot, USB outputs and a camera just to name a few. App ...
The Leaked Images Of The New Smartphones From Dell

The Leaked Images Of The New Smartphones From Dell

The world is in a state of shock since Apple managed to lose their "moment of surprise" when the unfortunate events of losing the new iPhone at a bar ...
This Is The Next Generation iTunes Store…

This Is The Next Generation iTunes Store…

Today a lucky bar solicitor found himself in a prosperous situation when he stumbled over something that looked like a forgotten iPhone laying around ...
10 Ways To Become A Twitter Mega Celebrity

10 Ways To Become A Twitter Mega Celebrity

Twitter has truly changed the game when it comes to social networking fame and fortune. It hasn't really become easier to become a celebrity but the ...
5 iPad Apps You Don’t Want To Miss!

5 iPad Apps You Don’t Want To Miss!

Based on the majority of tweets a month ago, you would have never guessed the iPad would be such a huge success already. It seems everyone has forgot ...
The iPad – Jailbroken In Under 24 Hours – Video Proof

The iPad – Jailbroken In Under 24 Hours – Video Proof

Yup, it's one of those things that you get credit for breaking. When the iPhone came out it took quite a while to jailbreak it to reach the core softw ...
MetaTrend Smartbook | iPad is Obsolete On So Many Levels!

MetaTrend Smartbook | iPad is Obsolete On So Many Levels!

It ain't often I get really hyped about a concept design and wish it would come true in the instant I see it. But this time I can't wait for this "thi ...
Go! Discover and Share!

Go! Discover and Share!

There is a cool application that I have downloaded on my iPhone recently where it lets me discover places, check in to the place and also share to my ...
Celebrate ♥ Day on Twitter

Celebrate ♥ Day on Twitter

February 14th is hearts day and now people who have Twitter accounts can now celebrate or show their friends and family that they ♥ them. The applica ...
iDrift | iPad Has a New Accessory, a Joke?!

iDrift | iPad Has a New Accessory, a Joke?!

The jokes have been many and they are unlikely to stop anytime soon. Apple, being one of the most successful companies in recent history, has to endur ...
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