Search query: apple

Unfreakingbelievable Watermelon Carvings

Unfreakingbelievable Watermelon Carvings

It's almost summer, which means it's time to start spending more time outside with friends and loved ones. One of my favorite parts of the summer is p ...
Trimensional: World’s First iPhone 3D Scanner App

Trimensional: World’s First iPhone 3D Scanner App

I remember the first time I watched Princess Leia tell Han Solo she loved him right before he was frozen in carbonite. For a geeky little girl like I ...
Iconic iPhone Case: Steve Jobs In Carbonite

Iconic iPhone Case: Steve Jobs In Carbonite

There are many iPhone cases out there that make sense, and then there are the ones that don't make any sense whatsoever. But that doesn't really matte ...
The Most Nutritious Post-It Notes You’ve Ever Seen

The Most Nutritious Post-It Notes You’ve Ever Seen

They say the best things in life are either free or discovered by accident. The sticky note, or post-it note, falls into that category. As I sit here ...
The REAL Back Side Of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube And More…

The REAL Back Side Of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube And More…

Have you ever spent days on end lurking around the forest of videos on YouTube or even ferociously hacking away at characters on Twitter and Facebook? ...
6 Major App Stores Compared [Infographic]

6 Major App Stores Compared [Infographic]

Ever since Apple launched the App Store, there has been a very public race going on. With the immense success Apple had with selling applications init ...
Finger Painting Made Easy: 3 Fun iPhone Apps

Finger Painting Made Easy: 3 Fun iPhone Apps

Nowadays when a person buys a smartphone, he or she really has to consider many of the different functions it has. This is unlike a few years ago when ...
Funtoxication: Fun App Checks Your Blood Alcohol Level

Funtoxication: Fun App Checks Your Blood Alcohol Level

Driving while drunk is just not cool. We all know that. I cannot think of one situation where it is acceptable. There are those times when we think we ...
Angry Birds Easter Edition Snapshots Released

Angry Birds Easter Edition Snapshots Released

Who doesn't love to play Angry Birds? I know I do, and I have already played most of the versions available including Angry Birds Rio. The success of ...
Nokia Timeline: This Is Pure Porn For Nokia Lovers

Nokia Timeline: This Is Pure Porn For Nokia Lovers

The day had to come when I had to incorporate "porn" into one of my articles. I have been able to elude the word for 1,401 articles, but this one had ...
How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

I'm sure you have never had one too many glasses of wine and started tweeting and DM'ing inappropriate stuff like a maniac, of course not! *wink* Howe ...
A Card Deck Made With 52 iPhones

A Card Deck Made With 52 iPhones

Can you believe it? Somebody created a full deck of cards made from 52 iPhones! Maybe not, but it wouldn't be April Fool's Day if I didn't play a pran ...
MANsaver: The iPhone App That Makes Marriage Easy

MANsaver: The iPhone App That Makes Marriage Easy

I read a post a few months ago that explained how some men set up romantic scheduled auto-tweets to go out to their girlfriends at certain intervals. ...
The Complete iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup [Infographic]

The Complete iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup [Infographic]

The iPad 2 finally launched and just the other day I saw the lines grow faster than bamboo with people who wanted to be among the first ones to buy th ...
Geek Lady Gaga Visits Google And Twitter

Geek Lady Gaga Visits Google And Twitter

I've always known Lady Gaga was a geek. You don't have to watch too many of her music videos to pick up on her geek-infused way of doing things. Last ...
1 67 68 69 70 71 85 1035 / 1269 POSTS