Search query: art

The Most Über Creative Travel Sleeping Blindfolds…Ever!

The Most Über Creative Travel Sleeping Blindfolds…Ever!

I used to travel quite a lot about a year back. It was because I was writing and producing music for various artists with different writers and produc ...
3M Creates New Subliminal Tool for Designers & Marketers

3M Creates New Subliminal Tool for Designers & Marketers

Designers, marketers, advertisers and savvy bloggers know the importance of using stunning graphics in each piece they create. In my opinion, with mo ...
The City Made Of 100,000 Staples

The City Made Of 100,000 Staples

Bored at work? You could always do what Peter Root did with some common office supplies... Most of the time when I write about creative artists on Bi ...

How To: Create Smoke From Your Fingertips

Whenever you are at a get together or party, don't you feel a bit jealous when there are people who can do extraordinary things like magic tricks usin ...
Porsche Pickup Truck Model – The New Cash Sink For Rich People?

Porsche Pickup Truck Model – The New Cash Sink For Rich People?

Do you have a lot of stuff you want to move? Is your basement filled with hundred dollar bills just laying around? Well then this is the best opport ...
Numbers Are All Around Us – Photo Inspiration

Numbers Are All Around Us – Photo Inspiration

I find numbers intriguing. Math was never my favorite subject in school, but I respect math since we use it everyday. I admire people who are good w ...

The Top 5 Fonts You Should Never Use?!

You often read the word "font" here on Bit Rebels. In typography, a font (also fount) is traditionally defined as a complete character set of a singl ...
Charming Illustrated Recipes – The New Cooking Trend!

Charming Illustrated Recipes – The New Cooking Trend!

I love to cook, and I have a ton of cookbooks. I tend to use my own cookbook the most because it has all my favorite recipes in it, but I pick up new ...
The Longest Interconnected Tripped Out Animation You’ll Ever See

The Longest Interconnected Tripped Out Animation You’ll Ever See

Animators always try to reinvent themselves and come up with never before seen concepts of animation. More often than not, it's just a copy of someth ...
Robots Are Now Marrying Humans – What’s Next?

Robots Are Now Marrying Humans – What’s Next?

The first step to us loving and accepting robots into our daily lives is to start giving them jobs that are typically only held by humans. We have to ...

How To: Improve Your Creative Thinking

As designers, artists and even writers, we are often confronted with the question, "How do you improve your creative thinking?" Creativity is very im ...
Augmented Reality Cures Cockroach Fears

Augmented Reality Cures Cockroach Fears

We've all read articles about augmented reality and it's many uses; however, this is the first time I've learned anything about it being used in psych ...
Talent and Social Media – Meet This 12 Year Old Sensation!

Talent and Social Media – Meet This 12 Year Old Sensation!

I love to sing, but too bad I was not given the talent to sing well. Most of those who have heard me sing have told me to just concentrate on my desi ...
An iPhone Drawing A Day Keeps The Blogging Blues Away!

An iPhone Drawing A Day Keeps The Blogging Blues Away!

We've all heard the advice. If you want to get good at something, practice, right? You want to become a better blogger? Blog more. You want to bec ...
YouTube Turns 5! – Celebrate with My YouTube Story

YouTube Turns 5! – Celebrate with My YouTube Story

YouTube is one of the most popular sites for video sharing. The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash video technology to d ...
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