Search query: blogging

One Mom Geek’s Desire To Take A Caturday Nap

One Mom Geek’s Desire To Take A Caturday Nap

Recently Diana wrote a Caturday inspired post about Creative Cat Coffee Art and Peggy wrote What The Catnip is Caturday?. Since then, for some reason ...
The Age Old Question About Following Back On Twitter

The Age Old Question About Following Back On Twitter

Yes, I am one of THOSE people, I don't follow every single person back on Twitter. It's not that I think I am better than anybody else. That is not th ...
Social Media Personalities: Basic Cable vs. HBO

Social Media Personalities: Basic Cable vs. HBO

If you are active in social media, it can seem like the same stories and topics are trending and breaking 24/7. Seemingly well, in good health and spi ...
Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

It's hard to believe that it is already January 2, and today as I looked over the 2,081 posts that I've written since Bit Rebels launched in 2009, I d ...
The Geek Version Of The 12 Days Of Christmas

The Geek Version Of The 12 Days Of Christmas

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and best wishes to all the geeks of the world on this magical day where we give thanks, spend time with family and fri ...
The Animated History Of The iPhone [Video Infographic]

The Animated History Of The iPhone [Video Infographic]

The ongoing talk about the iPhone is probably divided into two camps. Some people are for it, and some are against it. Ever since this groundbreaking ...
You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

I was in Shanghai a few months ago for a Black Card Circle charity event. After being on a 20-hour flight with no Wi-Fi, I was feeling Twitter withdra ...
How To: Say Like On Facebook In Different Languages [Chart]

How To: Say Like On Facebook In Different Languages [Chart]

I feel blessed that my native language is English since that is the language that is most prevalent online (at the moment). We all know that will most ...
PPC vs. SEO: A Beginner’s Introduction To Both

PPC vs. SEO: A Beginner’s Introduction To Both

One question that people often ask me is, "Which is better, PPC or SEO?" It's interesting because it seems like the majority of people I follow on Twi ...
The Ultimate Internet Troll’s Dickhead Rating Chart

The Ultimate Internet Troll’s Dickhead Rating Chart

This little chart below has gone completely viral in the past 24 hours. When I looked at it more closely, I understood why. It touches on a topic that ...
This Is What A Counterfeit Apple Store Looks Like

This Is What A Counterfeit Apple Store Looks Like

We've all heard the phrase, "Imitation is the best form of flattery." I suppose that is true to some extent. As a person who is immersed in social med ...
The Evolution Of The Entrepreneur [Infographic]

The Evolution Of The Entrepreneur [Infographic]

Since I've been a full-time entrepreneur since 2000, I love writing about it. Currently I own an Apple certified consulting firm in Atlanta, and I'm a ...
5 Things Successful Bloggers Do Differently

5 Things Successful Bloggers Do Differently

We often see articles about the habits of successful people. Whether it's waking up early in the morning, working hard, or even doing yoga, it seems m ...
Photography: Rainbow Ghosts Inside The Bronson Caves

Photography: Rainbow Ghosts Inside The Bronson Caves

I remember a few weeks ago when I wrote to you that I was going to try to write one photography post per day through the end of the month. Although a ...
Wow! Snowflakes Under A Microscope

Wow! Snowflakes Under A Microscope

I've always been inspired by snowflakes. To me, they are like little specks of magic when they fall from the sky. Since it doesn't snow much in Atlant ...
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