Search query: branding

If You Don’t Have These, You’re No Designer!

If You Don’t Have These, You’re No Designer!

So you sit there, doing your work and frantically trying to finish your project before the deadline hits the flat line. You stay up long hours to pro ...

10 Ways To Secure A Successful Tweet

Millions and millions of tweets are written every day and most of them pass by our eyes like their life span never began at all. There a bunch of fac ...

Making Tea In An Augmented Reality World

We read about it all the time, augmented reality (AR) articles seem to be everywhere. Everyone wants a glimpse into the future, and it seems we are l ...
Rising Twitter Stars | Girl Power!

Rising Twitter Stars | Girl Power!

It’s a small world on Twitter, unless you are a newbie. I say this because we often read posts about the popular people on Twitter. We are constantly ...

150+ Ultimate Round-Up of Helpful Twitter Articles

I’ve tried to create something here that I have not seen before. Below is a list of 150+ very helpful Twitter articles. I get tweets every week from ...
ChipIn Widget – The Classy Way to Raise Money Online

ChipIn Widget – The Classy Way to Raise Money Online

Simply put, ChipIn is an easy, classy way to raise money online. I work very closely with the homeless community in Atlanta and I’m very excited that ...
Awesome Illustrations by Simon Vieria

Awesome Illustrations by Simon Vieria

I was in a store today drooling over some art materials that I would definitely love to use when I do my sketching.  I really find it very relaxing to ...
Domino’s Pizza | New Recipe #Fail?

Domino’s Pizza | New Recipe #Fail?

We’ve all seen it, the new Domino’s Pizza marketing campaign. It’s all over the internet and television. In case you’ve missed it, here’s the abbrev ...
Is Hello Kitty Going Away Forever?

Is Hello Kitty Going Away Forever?

Since I only have one child, a boy, I don’t know much about girl stuff. In 2009 though, I had the privilege of getting to know a 5 year old little gi ...

How to Get Followed on Twitter |Twitter 101

So many people are still obsessed with getting so many followers on Twitter.  And resort to so many tactics.   Don't you just hate getting those DMs t ...
Glass Pyrograph by Etsuko Ichikawa

Glass Pyrograph by Etsuko Ichikawa

Etsuko Ichikawa - The glowing material is molten glass. She gathers really hot glass onto pipe and makes drawings on paper. Paper that she uses is ext ...
Great | Stop | Motion | Story

Great | Stop | Motion | Story

I love this video. If you have not seen The PEN Story, check it out below. I assure that you will have a new appreciation of stop motion. If you are u ...

Invoicing with Curdbee

I have been using Curdbee for a good few months now and I think its about time I gave them some love.  There are many invoice managing programmes  - o ...

Typographic Portrait of Steve Jobs

This is the work of Dylan Roscover. A portrait of Steve Jobs entitled "Steven Paul Jobs".  A typographic portrait of the man behind Apple using fonts ...
Play on Logo Symbols

Play on Logo Symbols

A logo is very important in branding.  One must be careful in putting together elements to the design.  It is after all its the first contact the co ...
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