Search query: car

Innovative Artificial Forest Converts Solar Energy Into Chemical Fuels

Innovative Artificial Forest Converts Solar Energy Into Chemical Fuels

Today on Discovery News, I read that one hour of global sunlight contains enough energy to meet the demands of every human on the planet for an entire ...
The Small Business Guide To Native Advertising [Infographic]

The Small Business Guide To Native Advertising [Infographic]

When you think of all the creative ways companies can marketing their products online, the options are truly endless, or at least they are when I thin ...
The Impact Of Choosing The Right Logo Color [Infographic]

The Impact Of Choosing The Right Logo Color [Infographic]

When you come up with an idea or concept that you think could become successful, the last thing you probably think about is the actual logo color you ...
Book Sculpture Illustrates OCD With A Derailed Typography Train

Book Sculpture Illustrates OCD With A Derailed Typography Train

It's been so inspiring over the past several years to see how creative artists turn traditional books into works of art. Sometimes they use thousands ...
New Tech Combines Biometric Data & Visual Cues To Pinpoint Emotions

New Tech Combines Biometric Data & Visual Cues To Pinpoint Emotions

Lifelogging has gotten popular over the past few years, and although I've never seen people walking around with a lifelogging camera attached their sh ...
Content Strategy: Hit The Sweet Spot With Your Readers [Infographic]

Content Strategy: Hit The Sweet Spot With Your Readers [Infographic]

There are many components that come together to formulate a successful blog, and sometimes thinking about them all can make your head spin. We've writ ...
UDOO: A Powerful Combination Of Raspberry Pi & Arduino Technologies

UDOO: A Powerful Combination Of Raspberry Pi & Arduino Technologies

We've seen tons of incredible creations that have spawned from a Raspberry Pi, and even more DIY projects that are made possible with an Arduino. Can ...
Innovative 10-Pound Track Bike With 3D Printed Lugs Is Rideable

Innovative 10-Pound Track Bike With 3D Printed Lugs Is Rideable

There has been a lot of advancement lately when it comes to bike helmets, but today I'd like to feature an innovative bike. If you are a fan of track ...
Gozaik: Most Sophisticated & Effective Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

Gozaik: Most Sophisticated & Effective Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

Statistics show that the average person will change jobs 7 times in his or her lifetime. Many people keep an eye on new jobs even before they actually ...
Real Iron Man Is Creepy Similar To Tony Stark [Infographic]

Real Iron Man Is Creepy Similar To Tony Stark [Infographic]

Iron Man 3 is currently a beast on the Box Office chart. It looks to be hitting 1 billion dollars (worldwide) in just 14 days, and it has already shat ...
Disney Now Lets You 3D Print Yourself In A Stormtrooper Costume

Disney Now Lets You 3D Print Yourself In A Stormtrooper Costume

As everyone thought would happen, Disney is starting to cream the juice out of the Star Wars brand right away with new franchise products. George Luca ...
David Bowie’s Space Oddity Played In Space Is Remarkable [Video]

David Bowie’s Space Oddity Played In Space Is Remarkable [Video]

High above the surface of the earth, between 330 km (205 mi) and 435 km (270 mi), orbited a wonder of human exploration. Completing 15.7 orbits each d ...
Complex Periodic Table Of Elements From Star Wars Episodes IV, V, VI

Complex Periodic Table Of Elements From Star Wars Episodes IV, V, VI

There have been a lot of Star Wars periodic tables and infographics created over the years, but this one is the geekiest and most complex one I've see ...
New Bike Helmet Adds Ultra-Visible Safety Signals

New Bike Helmet Adds Ultra-Visible Safety Signals

It's about time innovators start doing something about the current bike helmets available. Every time I set foot in a store these days, I see the same ...
Spock Versus Spock Will Entertain You Until The Next Star Trek Film

Spock Versus Spock Will Entertain You Until The Next Star Trek Film

"It's life Jim, but not as we know it." Okay, so this line wasn't actually in Star Trek, but I bet you that when you read it, you read it in the voice ...
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