Search query: car

Zelda Chess: The Ultimate Hand Carved Geek Creation

Zelda Chess: The Ultimate Hand Carved Geek Creation

Chess is one of the oldest board games ever created, and it puts our skills to the ultimate test. Our opponent is what lies between us and an honorabl ...
18 Creative Celebrity Caricatures: Photoshop Manipulations

18 Creative Celebrity Caricatures: Photoshop Manipulations

I've written a few articles lately about caricatures. When they are done well, they are so much fun to look at, and very inspiring. There are so many ...
Behold The World’s Largest Hot Wheels Car City

Behold The World’s Largest Hot Wheels Car City

If you are a guy, you totally remember playing with small metal cars when you were a boy. We imagined the most amazing cities, the most horrible car c ...
Alternative Propulsion: Coca Cola Rocket Car

Alternative Propulsion: Coca Cola Rocket Car

In a world where everything seems to be revolving around oil, we're frenetically trying to find an alternative to the gas problem we're facing. It isn ...
How To: Draw Creative Caricatures

How To: Draw Creative Caricatures

Caricatures are such a fun style of drawing and illustrating. We've written about talented caricature artists many times on Bit Rebels. Just last week ...
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Soapbox Derby Car

Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Soapbox Derby Car

As a kid, my brother and I were always talking about the ultimate soapbox car, and how it would be built. We had a couple of runs building some, which ...
Star Wars Crayon Carvings Set

Star Wars Crayon Carvings Set

For a kid, a simple crayon can be the most wondrous thing in the world. The things you can create with a crayon on a paper are limitless, and as a kid ...
10 Creative Caricatures That Each Tell A Story

10 Creative Caricatures That Each Tell A Story

I've always been fascinated by artists that can create caricatures. We all know that a caricature is a portrait that distorts or exaggerates the essen ...
Discarded Maps Recycled Into Impressive Human Portraits

Discarded Maps Recycled Into Impressive Human Portraits

It's quite impressive to think that some people out there go out of their way to recycle their old things into new ones. It doesn't really matter what ...
Most Creative Way To Recycle Your Ink Cartridges

Most Creative Way To Recycle Your Ink Cartridges

If you didn't read the title of this article first, and if you just looked at the pictures below, what would you think those science fiction sculpture ...
Relaxation Shopping: The Customization Of A Shopping Cart

Relaxation Shopping: The Customization Of A Shopping Cart

Anyone who has a household to maintain knows that shopping can not only be tedious, but it can also take up your entire evening if you're not careful. ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
Unfreakingbelievable Watermelon Carvings

Unfreakingbelievable Watermelon Carvings

It's almost summer, which means it's time to start spending more time outside with friends and loved ones. One of my favorite parts of the summer is p ...
Iconic iPhone Case: Steve Jobs In Carbonite

Iconic iPhone Case: Steve Jobs In Carbonite

There are many iPhone cases out there that make sense, and then there are the ones that don't make any sense whatsoever. But that doesn't really matte ...
The REAL Working Lego Car

The REAL Working Lego Car

Anyone who has been following Bit Rebels since the very beginning remembers my article about the Lego car that traveled the world as a life-size car m ...
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