Search query: car

Sesame Street In Badass Beastie Boys Style

Sesame Street In Badass Beastie Boys Style

I can't get enough of this video. I grew up watching the Beastie Boys on MTV (back in the days when they used to play music videos). I'm sure it's no ...
The Web App Development Process Explained In Detail [Infographic]

The Web App Development Process Explained In Detail [Infographic]

The Internet has been a catapult for web applications, and we are starting to see more and more being introduced every day. Some of us depend on these ...
Android vs. iOS In Mobile Advertising [Infographic]

Android vs. iOS In Mobile Advertising [Infographic]

About two days ago, I read an article on cnet entitled Survey: iPhone Leads Android Among New Buyers. It got me thinking a lot about the ongoing argum ...
Steampunk Mac Uses A 140 Year Old Typewriter

Steampunk Mac Uses A 140 Year Old Typewriter

There is a kind of magic in checking out all the steampunk stuff on the Internet. I don't know what it is about it, but I get this tingling feeling al ...
Harry Potter Dolls: Hair-Raising & Creepy As Hell

Harry Potter Dolls: Hair-Raising & Creepy As Hell

OMG, I'm so glad it's only 7:30 in the morning as I'm writing this so I can get the images of these dolls out of my head before I go to sleep tonight. ...
How To: Make A Cute Tyrannosaurus Rex Wrench

How To: Make A Cute Tyrannosaurus Rex Wrench

I don't think I've ever called a wrench cute before. The closest I've ever come to seeing a cute wrench is my own wrench, which is pink. My whole tool ...
Amazing Video Of A Completely Deserted Los Angeles

Amazing Video Of A Completely Deserted Los Angeles

Having lived in Los Angeles for about 2 years, I know how crazy the traffic can get every once in a while. Well, now that I think about it, it's reall ...
Deadly Combination Of Smartphones & Driving [Infographic]

Deadly Combination Of Smartphones & Driving [Infographic]

Do you get distracted by your phone when you are driving? It's been in the media a lot over the past year, and apparently, a lot of people do. It's no ...
Stickaz: Pixel Customization Stickers For Your Own Wall Art

Stickaz: Pixel Customization Stickers For Your Own Wall Art

There is a movement out there that is focused on pixel art, and it's growing by the thousands each day. It's not exactly the most well known community ...
Men vs. Women: Online Shopping Trends May Surprise You

Men vs. Women: Online Shopping Trends May Surprise You

We all know the popular stereotype that women shop way more than men. Personally, that is something I can't relate to since I really, really don't lik ...
Spectacular New York City Photography [10 Pics]

Spectacular New York City Photography [10 Pics]

I love living in a big city. I grew up in a small town, and I always knew from the time I was a little girl that I was destined for a big city. The mo ...
Utopian Future: The Internet Connects Everything [Infographic]

Utopian Future: The Internet Connects Everything [Infographic]

Think about how many things in our lives are connected somehow to the Internet. When I use the word things, I mean actual things. For example, these t ...
Unusual Art: Embroidered Chex Cereal Pieces

Unusual Art: Embroidered Chex Cereal Pieces

Earlier this month, I wrote about some Oreo cookie portraits that were truly incredible. The artist, Judith G. Klausner, did something with those Oreo ...
The Top Monstrous Slang Insults (Or Are They?)

The Top Monstrous Slang Insults (Or Are They?)

One of my favorite hobbies is watching my Twitter stream. I like to engage a lot on Twitter, but sometimes it's just fun to watch. I send on average a ...
Illustration: Classic Disney Animals Drawn As Humans

Illustration: Classic Disney Animals Drawn As Humans

Did you watch comics on television after school in the late 80s and early 90s? Do you remember Disney Afternoon? It was a two-hour block of cartoons t ...
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