Search query: cloud

Pocketloops: Turns Your iPhone Into A Mini Midi Recording Studio

Pocketloops: Turns Your iPhone Into A Mini Midi Recording Studio

The iPhone has been subject to a lot of development, and more and more of it is starting to become about the external gear.  Accessories have long bee ...
iPhone Nano Mockup Design: Apple’s Got Balls After All

iPhone Nano Mockup Design: Apple’s Got Balls After All

We've all been reading about the iPhone Nano rumors for a while. Since it's referred to as the "cheaper version" of the iPhone, I thought the rumors ...
Consumed: One Man’s Beautifully Visual Diary Of Food

Consumed: One Man’s Beautifully Visual Diary Of Food

Many people, especially in the United States where I live, have at some point reached a day in their lives when they decided they needed to lose a few ...
ZEN Mp3 Players: Not Only Apple Makes It Small And Sexy

ZEN Mp3 Players: Not Only Apple Makes It Small And Sexy

When Apple announced the iPod several years ago, it was clear that people all over the world were going to change the way they listen to music. Howev ...
The Increasing Importance Of Optimizing Your Blog’s Images

The Increasing Importance Of Optimizing Your Blog’s Images

Bandwidth consumption is a common problem for large websites attracting a large number of visitors. Whenever you experience a site that used to be fa ...
Robofied Epic Movie Posters You Just Have To See!

Robofied Epic Movie Posters You Just Have To See!

I am very much into movie posters as I have said in many articles before. I usually only go to check out movie if the poster itself is appealing to m ...
Weather Widget: Show Off The Weather In Star Wars!

Weather Widget: Show Off The Weather In Star Wars!

I recently read about a little 1st grader girl who got bullied at school because she liked Star Wars, and she had a water bottle with a Star Wars them ...
The Storm Flipper: A Happy Drinking Fountain Design

The Storm Flipper: A Happy Drinking Fountain Design

What a neat little design that will make you smile. We've all heard the saying, "Take that frown and turn it upside down!" It seems the Swedish arch ...
The Power Of A Storm Captured In Pictures!

The Power Of A Storm Captured In Pictures!

I live in a country that is visited by typhoons and storms frequently (The Philippines). It is quite a scary experience, especially if the ones that ...
Take A Rare Look At The Inside Of A Volcano

Take A Rare Look At The Inside Of A Volcano

Do you ever watch extreme weather on television and wonder what posses those reporters to stand in the middle of, for example, a hurricane with a micr ...
Recon Transcend: Tomorrow’s Awesome Skiing Experience!

Recon Transcend: Tomorrow’s Awesome Skiing Experience!

For all of you out there that are awaiting the new era of auto technology and dream of a more information streaming approach to the skiing experience, ...
The Many Faces of Spock: Which Is Your Favorite?

The Many Faces of Spock: Which Is Your Favorite?

I don't know what it is with Spock and me lately. I think I may have a secret Trekkie crush on him. Last week I wrote about the geekiest Vulcan "liv ...
Future Stroller: Babies Roll Majestically In Style

Future Stroller: Babies Roll Majestically In Style

Our children are the most valuable resource the world has. They are the ones that will have to pick up the pieces from the mess that we have made. T ...
A Storm In A Tea Cup – Design Inspiration

A Storm In A Tea Cup – Design Inspiration

I've never heard the expression, "a storm in a tea cup." As the saying goes, apparently when someone is overreacting or creating some sort of drama, ...
Let There Be Light – Lamp Design Inspiration

Let There Be Light – Lamp Design Inspiration

Do you like decorating your house or even just your room? There are so many things that we can do to spruce up our living space. Some people buy all ...
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