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Twitter Friends: What Are The Odds You Exist & Found Each Other?

Twitter Friends: What Are The Odds You Exist & Found Each Other?

Yesterday when I was on Twitter having a good 'ol time tweeting it up with my friends, I started wondering what the odds were that those particular pe ...
Hail The Pocket-Sized Espresso Machine!

Hail The Pocket-Sized Espresso Machine!

Are you a coffee drinker of magnitude? I am one of those tea fanatics instead. If I don't get a cup of tea in the morning, you can pretty much be sure ...
Millennium McQueen: A Bizarrely Interesting Creative Lego Mashup

Millennium McQueen: A Bizarrely Interesting Creative Lego Mashup

We've said many times before on Bit Rebels that creative artists will mashup anything. There are no limits to the combinations, and it almost seems li ...
A Holiday Classic: Christmas Tree Made From 400 Mountain Dew Cans

A Holiday Classic: Christmas Tree Made From 400 Mountain Dew Cans

This Mountain Dew Christmas Tree is such a holiday classic, and I hope it brings a smile to your face today. This morning I was on reddit (as usual), ...
Block Case Enables Lego Building On Your Smartphone

Block Case Enables Lego Building On Your Smartphone

As all of you know, there are millions and millions of smartphone cases out there all poking at your attention trying to make you buy them. I have no ...
How To: Create A Fake Siri Conversation (That Looks Real)

How To: Create A Fake Siri Conversation (That Looks Real)

Omg. I know this is completely useless. I also know I wasted 30 minutes of my life playing around with it this morning, and it was worth every second. ...
The WineRack: Apparently Your Wine Is Most Secure In Your Bra

The WineRack: Apparently Your Wine Is Most Secure In Your Bra

I am sure that whenever you think of wine, you are most likely thinking about a pleasant group of people, some cheering and some casual chattery. Basi ...
The Full iPhone Fanboy Low Down [Infographic]

The Full iPhone Fanboy Low Down [Infographic]

I think there were a lot of people who were kind of disappointed when they watched the keynote that Apple held for the iPhone 4S. However, I think mos ...
i-Helicopter: Turbo Charged iPhone Remote Control Helicopter

i-Helicopter: Turbo Charged iPhone Remote Control Helicopter

There are so many fun smartphone apps and games available today to entertain us that I'm surprised some people still watch television regularly. I don ...
The Difference Between Lego & Playmobil

The Difference Between Lego & Playmobil

Alright, I don't think it is a secret that we here at Bit Rebels love everything Lego. We constantly do our best to bring you the very latest in build ...
Cup Noodle Robotimer Transformer: You Didn’t Know You Want This

Cup Noodle Robotimer Transformer: You Didn’t Know You Want This

When I went to China several months ago, one thing I remember was being served a hot cup noodle and chopsticks on the plane for a snack. I had never h ...
iTar: Convert Your iPad Into A Real Guitar & Much More

iTar: Convert Your iPad Into A Real Guitar & Much More

The gadgets that Apple launches always have a primary use, but fans of the Apple brand have always found ways to push more things into their already f ...
Leonardo da Vinci’s To-Do List: Peek Into A Creative Mind

Leonardo da Vinci’s To-Do List: Peek Into A Creative Mind

Do you ever read about people like Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso and some of the other most creative people in history and wonder how they approached the ...
The Evolution Of Music Delivered In One Video

The Evolution Of Music Delivered In One Video

Everything changes. Everything from the look of our hair to the landscape around us, and there is nothing we can do to stop that. If you think about i ...
Terminator Eyes: Augmented Reality In Contact Lenses

Terminator Eyes: Augmented Reality In Contact Lenses

If you've been keeping up with the latest technology news over the past few days, you might have read a story about these contact lenses which can pic ...
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