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The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

It seems like nowadays for every popular movie, you can find a mini version on YouTube. Sometimes it is just a spoof, but if it's well thought out, a ...
Time Is Money: The True Cost Of Running Late [Infographic]

Time Is Money: The True Cost Of Running Late [Infographic]

So there you are, about to start a new project, and the prognosis is good for a timely completion.  Everyone involved is positive and thinking it's go ...
Do You Really Know What Tofu Is? [Infographic]

Do You Really Know What Tofu Is? [Infographic]

I admit it. Tofu completely freaks me out. It's one of those bizarre foods that many people, including me, don't really understand. If I had to desc ...
SpongeBob Lego Terminator Never Gets Old

SpongeBob Lego Terminator Never Gets Old

Creativity must be the biggest word in the dictionary.  No, really, it must be because there is not another word that fits so many things that we don' ...
iPhone Hoodies: Dress Your iPhone In Style

iPhone Hoodies: Dress Your iPhone In Style

Have you noticed that people get really, really attached to their iPhones? I switched from an Android phone to an iPhone earlier this month, and I'm ...
Now You Can Play Diner Dash On Facebook

Now You Can Play Diner Dash On Facebook

When I was a young girl, aside from playing teacher, I would always play diner girl with my sister.  We would bring out our tea sets and our little t ...
NES Beads: The World Of NES Games In Stop Motion Beads

NES Beads: The World Of NES Games In Stop Motion Beads

It's been done for many years now, and it comes in several different forms and shapes.  The materials used are always different, but the technique use ...
5 Lessons To Learn When Leaving Your Comfort Zone

5 Lessons To Learn When Leaving Your Comfort Zone

I recently left home, and now I live approximately 8,900 miles away.  I know from experience this kind of change takes a lot of adjusting.  When I dec ...
Willy Wonka Style: A Room Made Entirely Of Chocolate

Willy Wonka Style: A Room Made Entirely Of Chocolate

Oh my goodness, I would be in heaven in a room like this. Of course, it's not in the States; it's in Lithuania, figures. A shopping mall in the capi ...
Nature Meets Art: Fascinating Steampunk Bugs

Nature Meets Art: Fascinating Steampunk Bugs

We love steampunk on Bit Rebels, and these particular designs are truly brilliant. Surprisingly, there are still many people who are unfamiliar with ...
A Breakfast For Lovers: Heart-Shaped Egg Design

A Breakfast For Lovers: Heart-Shaped Egg Design

Even though Valentine's Day this year has come and gone, there are still creative love and heart designs popping up all over the Internet. When you t ...
Artistic Inspiration: Thousands of Memories Mashed Into One

Artistic Inspiration: Thousands of Memories Mashed Into One

Wow, this is nuts! It's one of those projects that would take me a decade to finish, no, on second thought, a lifetime. Artist Corinne Vionnet creat ...
All You Need To Know About Web Designers [Infographic]

All You Need To Know About Web Designers [Infographic]

Dealing with a web designer can sometimes be an extremely pleasant experience, but it can sometimes also be one of the worst.  It's just not in this i ...
The Most Popular Fonts By Operating System [Infographic]

The Most Popular Fonts By Operating System [Infographic]

As a designer, it's always a treat finding new and exciting fonts to use in a design.  The variations are unlimited, and to find the right one can som ...
Star Wars Characters In The Form Of Zulu Mask Design

Star Wars Characters In The Form Of Zulu Mask Design

I sincerely thought Star Wars couldn't reach into any other areas, but as I came across this find, I quickly realize that I shouldn't make assumptions ...
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