Search query: diet

Can’t Afford A Sound System? Build One From Beer Cans…

Can’t Afford A Sound System? Build One From Beer Cans…

Are you one of those people who likes to sit around on your couch all day and drink beer while pointlessly wasting your life away surfing the Internet ...
Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Triple Double Oreos

Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Triple Double Oreos

Oh. My. Gosh. In case you've been living under a rock, you may not know that last month Triple Double Oreos hit the shelves at the supermarket. I've n ...
Food Inspiration: The Most Adorable Bread You’ve Ever Seen

Food Inspiration: The Most Adorable Bread You’ve Ever Seen

I never thought I would describe bread as being cute. It normally comes in a basket at a restaurant with a little tub of butter. It's delicious for su ...
Coca-Cola Fast Fun Facts [Infographic]

Coca-Cola Fast Fun Facts [Infographic]

Last month when Coca-Cola celebrated its 125-year anniversary, I remember everyone in Atlanta was celebrating. If there was ever a city in the world t ...
How To: Think More Positive Thoughts

How To: Think More Positive Thoughts

I've studied a lot about thoughts and thought patterns during my life. It's a topic that especially intrigued me when I was attending University, and ...
Edible RFID Technology: Changing Our Perception Of Food

Edible RFID Technology: Changing Our Perception Of Food

If you keep up with the latest evolving technologies, you are probably aware that RFID technology is huge right now. RFID is simply a tracking system ...
14 Not So Sweet Facts About Sugar

14 Not So Sweet Facts About Sugar

There has been a lot of controversy about sugar over the past few decades. Among other things, we've heard that eating too much sugar causes diabetes. ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
20 Bedtime Snacks To Help Make You Sleepy

20 Bedtime Snacks To Help Make You Sleepy

I read today that 70% of people have sleep problems. That number seems high to me; however, since high-stress lifestyles including crazy work schedule ...
Creative Breakfast Toasts For The Geek In You

Creative Breakfast Toasts For The Geek In You

As an Asian person, I love eating rice. Rice is a staple in our diet. To me, even if the viand is not very tasty, as long as the rice is perfectly coo ...
Gross Foods That You Want To Eat Anyway [Infographic]

Gross Foods That You Want To Eat Anyway [Infographic]

There are foods out there that I wouldn't even go near even if my life depended on it. Well, maybe not that, but if I had a choice, I would rather hav ...
Hungry? Try Edible Giant Toasted Ants!

Hungry? Try Edible Giant Toasted Ants!

When I was in Bangkok, Thailand a couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to experience their wonderful and exciting culture.  One thing that was q ...
Consumed: One Man’s Beautifully Visual Diary Of Food

Consumed: One Man’s Beautifully Visual Diary Of Food

Many people, especially in the United States where I live, have at some point reached a day in their lives when they decided they needed to lose a few ...
This Family Unplugged For 6 Months & Lived To Tell About it

This Family Unplugged For 6 Months & Lived To Tell About it

Hmm... unplugging for six months? Are you kidding me? I can't even imagine unplugging for one week. I'm so connected to my online world that I sleep w ...
Just Adding Milk Doesn’t Make It Cereal!

Just Adding Milk Doesn’t Make It Cereal!

Robb Posch is my kinda guy. He approaches food from a ridiculous perspective, and he likes to experiment. Do you remember Nerds? Nerds were popular ...
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