Search query: entrepreneur

Right Brain vs. Left Brain | Which Do You Use Most?

Right Brain vs. Left Brain | Which Do You Use Most?

It’s the age old question, which is better, to be right brained or left brained? I ask, “Why do we have to be one or the other?” I don’t like being ...
Dare To Live Your Dreams | The Story of Kandee Johnson

Dare To Live Your Dreams | The Story of Kandee Johnson

I just can’t get enough of Kandee Johnson. Her makeup artistry tutorials continue to help women around the world and in 2009, she reached Internet ce ...
Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

One of the best parts of being a writer at Bit Rebels and the assistant to Richard Darell is that I get to be in the company of some very talented peo ...
Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Here is cool tool Listiti - Its a tool that enables you to get alerts when someone from your Twitter list Tweets an update.   Monitor Twitter Lists fo ...
For Your Inspiration: Colors, Colors & More Colors

For Your Inspiration: Colors, Colors & More Colors

I’m always creatively inspired by bright colorful images. So much so that I started to wonder if our brain is actually stimulated creatively more by ...

Twitter DISC Personality Types & Examples

For many years I’ve taught the DISC personality assessment to direct sales companies. The interesting thing is that I’ve noticed these personalities a ...

Freelancer Do’s and Don’ts for Growing Business

If you are an entrepreneur, you are in sales and you most likely spend part of your day growing your business by contacting leads and talking to prosp ...
Time Management Tips for Busy People

Time Management Tips for Busy People

If you look at the life of someone just 50 years ago, you would think they had it easy. Just wake up in the morning, go to work, come home, eat dinne ...
The Man Behind @Mashable

The Man Behind @Mashable

On Twitter, one of the most Re Tweeted on social media  news and information is the ones that are  tweeted by @mashable .  But have you ever wondered ...
Curtoons Cartoon Company

Curtoons Cartoon Company

The Curtoons Cartoon Company is the premier cartoon logo design studio on the Internet. They specialize in funny, cute and whimsical logo designs. ...
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