Search query: food

Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Triple Double Oreos

Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Triple Double Oreos

Oh. My. Gosh. In case you've been living under a rock, you may not know that last month Triple Double Oreos hit the shelves at the supermarket. I've n ...
World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu

World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu

I love sushi. I could eat it everyday. It's right up there with chicken wings in my book, which are pretty high on my list. How would you like to go i ...
How To: Beat Airport Baggage Limits & Fees

How To: Beat Airport Baggage Limits & Fees

We all know that in the past few years, airlines have really cracked down on baggage restrictions. Not only have they gotten super strict about what t ...
Lobster In Ice Cream: Disgusting Or Delicious

Lobster In Ice Cream: Disgusting Or Delicious

We write about a lot of things on Bit Rebels that fall into the WTF category of creations. They are usually things that you just have to stare at in d ...
Art With Salt: Link & Super Mario Created With Salt [Videos]

Art With Salt: Link & Super Mario Created With Salt [Videos]

Salt is probably one of the most important ingredients when cooking, and I am sure most people out there don't use salt for any other purpose than coo ...
Upcycled Vintage Gear: The Ultimate Pet Bed Upgrade

Upcycled Vintage Gear: The Ultimate Pet Bed Upgrade

Have you ever come across those people who treat their pets like royalty? Maybe you are even one of those people who constantly tries to make your pet ...
Live Long & Prosper With Star Trek Sugar Cookies

Live Long & Prosper With Star Trek Sugar Cookies

As all true Trekkies know, yesterday marked the 45th anniversary of Star Trek. It's hard to believe that the first episode of Star Trek aired on telev ...
The World’s First Virtual Supermarket: Life Just Got Easier

The World’s First Virtual Supermarket: Life Just Got Easier

I've been waiting for this to happen, and it finally has. If you think about it, doesn't it seem inefficient for supermarkets to store their groceries ...
3 Popular Tabloid Magazines Redesigned By TrustoCorp

3 Popular Tabloid Magazines Redesigned By TrustoCorp

Before I write about how much fun these fake tabloids are by TrustoCorp, I want to explain who TrustoCorp is for those who may not know. It is a group ...
Photography: High Resolution Guts Of Candy Bars Scanned

Photography: High Resolution Guts Of Candy Bars Scanned

I remember back in the days when scanners and printers were only used for documents. That was a loooong time ago. Combined with new technology, today ...
Soylent Green Crackers: People Never Tasted So Delicious

Soylent Green Crackers: People Never Tasted So Delicious

This whole little spoof gives new meaning to "You are what you eat." We've touched on the fact before that in the future, we will have a hard time mai ...
12 Crazy Cool Custom Smart Car Designs

12 Crazy Cool Custom Smart Car Designs

I think Smart Cars are so cute. I've never seen one in real life (or at least not that I can remember), but in the pictures they look like little toy ...
The Art & Science Behind The Perfect S’more

The Art & Science Behind The Perfect S’more

If you love spending weekends in the mountains like I do, you know that everything tastes better when it's cooked over a campfire. When I'm in the cit ...
Photography: People About To Snap While Holding Jello

Photography: People About To Snap While Holding Jello

There aren't a whole lot of foods that I'm afraid of, but Jello is one of them. If you've read my articles before, you know that I'm not a big fan of ...
7 Pictures Of Real Everyday Life Cosplay

7 Pictures Of Real Everyday Life Cosplay

We are hearing more and more about cosplay, and it's becoming quite a movement. It's everywhere these days, and I think it's really awesome. I haven't ...
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