Search query: hacking

This Is How Easy Hackers Get Your Personal Information

This Is How Easy Hackers Get Your Personal Information

When reading about hackers, it is interesting to see that studies suggest that there is no middle ground. People are either scared of them to the poin ...
4 Ways To Protect Your Company From Security Threats

4 Ways To Protect Your Company From Security Threats

Running a business is hard work. In addition to running daily operations and business-related tasks, business owners are also faced with the responsib ...
Hacked 1950s View-Master Now Plays 3D Videos From DVDs

Hacked 1950s View-Master Now Plays 3D Videos From DVDs

When the View-Master was announced back in 1939, it became one of the most popular entertainment gadgets you could possibly get. Since then, the glory ...
SecretInk: Send Emails That Automatically Self-Destructs When Read

SecretInk: Send Emails That Automatically Self-Destructs When Read

There are a lot of features and gadgets in the world that make you feel a little bit like James Bond, but none of them are as mysterious as the self-d ...
Guy Becomes Bionic By Inserting A Computer Into His Arm Himself

Guy Becomes Bionic By Inserting A Computer Into His Arm Himself

Before I start off with this topic, I would like to state that this is nothing that you should attempt yourself at any point. To mess around with bioh ...
5 New Technologies To Help During A Zombie Apocalypse [Infographic]

5 New Technologies To Help During A Zombie Apocalypse [Infographic]

Just when I thought writing about the zombie apocalypse was soooo 2012, everyone's getting all juiced up for the 4th season of The Walking Dead, which ...
Netflix Geek Edition: Our Handpicked Favs For Your Viewing Pleasure

Netflix Geek Edition: Our Handpicked Favs For Your Viewing Pleasure

We live in an ever increasing digitally driven world. And with this lifestyle, outdated technologies are left at the wayside to make room for ever exp ...
Biometric Security: Is Authenticating Identity With Fingerprints Safe?

Biometric Security: Is Authenticating Identity With Fingerprints Safe?

Apple appears very confident with the notion of authenticating your identity via fingerprints by including the technology in their flagship smartphone ...
Dad Hacks Power Wheelchair So His Little Boy Can See The World

Dad Hacks Power Wheelchair So His Little Boy Can See The World

This is your feel good story of the day, and it will make you appreciate your life and health. It's about a 2-year-old little boy named Alejandro who ...
Digital Tattoo (RFID Implant) That Can Only Be Seen With A Smartphone

Digital Tattoo (RFID Implant) That Can Only Be Seen With A Smartphone

There is a growing group of people who combine a hacking mentality to biology. They are able to hack their bodies into doing things that have never be ...
10 Essential Food Hacks That Every Home Chef Should Know [Video]

10 Essential Food Hacks That Every Home Chef Should Know [Video]

I don't know what I ever did before I was exposed to useful life hacks. A decade ago, I didn't even know what a life hack was, but now I use them all ...
DIY Magnet Ear Implant Is An Echolocation Tool For Visually Impaired

DIY Magnet Ear Implant Is An Echolocation Tool For Visually Impaired

Recently we featured some navigation glasses that allow the blind to 'see through audio.' It was a concept design that used a microphone, detectors an ...
Programmable Interactive LEGO Bricks Inspired By Video Games

Programmable Interactive LEGO Bricks Inspired By Video Games

These days, kids learn how to interact with apps the moment they can hold a mobile device. Kids born today are part of the first generation of true di ...
DIY Google Glass-Like Gadget Could Be An Alternative To The Real Thing

DIY Google Glass-Like Gadget Could Be An Alternative To The Real Thing

When Google Glass comes out, will you pay $1,500 or a little less for it? A couple days ago on the Project Glass Google+ page, they announced that Goo ...
Privacy Monitor Hack Enables Complete Privacy When Browsing

Privacy Monitor Hack Enables Complete Privacy When Browsing

I have to agree that when it comes to hacking your reality, lifehacks are the best way to optimize things. There are super simple lifehacks that will ...
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