Search query: health

How To: Make Your Brain Bigger In Only 3 Months

How To: Make Your Brain Bigger In Only 3 Months

This is going to blow your mind, so I’ve linked all my sources at the bottom of this article because if you see it, you might believe it. This was a ...
Gummy Bear Chandelier | Sweet Glowing Nom Nom

Gummy Bear Chandelier | Sweet Glowing Nom Nom

It is quite apparent that people around the world are eating more and more sugar. That means more and more people are getting a sweet tooth that they ...
A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

It seems like it is easy to gain weight but so hard to lose the weight once you have gained it.  I see people really doing their best to stay healthy ...
Will We See Gadgets Like These in The Future?

Will We See Gadgets Like These in The Future?

We are so lucky to be experiencing technology today.  There are all kinds of new gadgets being designed to make life easier, comfortable and truly enj ...

10 Simple Ways to Feel Good!

Everyday we face so many challenges, and whether big or small, they can sometimes drain us.  In this fast paced world where we are always in a hurry t ...

Treat Your Acne With Your iPhone!

Can your iPhone actually cure your acne? Apparently the answer is yes. Soon, popping zits the old fashioned way might be an activity of the past. ...
20 Tips to Look Younger Today

20 Tips to Look Younger Today

We definitely live in a youth obsessed culture because it seems like everyone wants to look younger than their age. If you are one of the lucky ones w ...
How To: Get Motivated to Exercise

How To: Get Motivated to Exercise

If you are one of the lucky ones, you genuinely enjoy exercising and you look forward to doing it each day. If you are like the rest of us, you don’t ...
How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

It’s 10pm, you finally sat down to relax and update your blog. You get comfortable, turn on some music, and stare at your computer screen. Nothing. ...
Make Time to Take Care of Yourself!

Make Time to Take Care of Yourself!

Busy, everyone is always busy all the time but taking a "me" day or a "me" break  is always more beneficial.   Taking time to relax and de stress from ...
Google’s Larry Page | Tips for The Entrepreneur

Google’s Larry Page | Tips for The Entrepreneur

Starting a business, especially a design company, can be daunting to say the least. There's so many aspects that needs to be looked in to in order to ...
It’s Here! Your Own Personal Hovercraft

It’s Here! Your Own Personal Hovercraft

Since I’m a huge Science Fiction fan, I always knew someday we’d all own our own personal hovercrafts, I just didn’t know they’d look like unicycles. ...
Is Stress Getting the Better of You? Relax!

Is Stress Getting the Better of You? Relax!

Are you prone to  irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physical reactions, such as headaches and elevated heart r ...
The Social Media Diet

The Social Media Diet

Americans spend roughly nine hours in front of some sort of monitor each day. Check out this illustration by Jason Lee published in Wired. The soci ...
Grow Your Own Meat and Fish in a Cocoon

Grow Your Own Meat and Fish in a Cocoon

If you had the ability to grow your own meat and fish in a device that looks like something you'd buy off of a George Foreman infomercial, would you? ...
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