Search query: house

Eco-Friendly Technology: A Disposable Cardboard Flash Drive

Eco-Friendly Technology: A Disposable Cardboard Flash Drive

I admit, I have way too many flash drives around my house. I'm a shoe fanatic, and just to put it in perspective, I probably have a flash drive to ma ...
The Geek Way To Keep Your Hands Toasty Warm

The Geek Way To Keep Your Hands Toasty Warm

I don't know about you, but my hands have basically been cold nonstop for four months. I've been freezing my butt (and hands) off this season, and I'v ...
Architecture Slide: Another Reason To Stay Young Forever

Architecture Slide: Another Reason To Stay Young Forever

Around a couple years ago, we started seeing posts and articles on pretty much every blog and website about multinational companies and their offices ...
Write A Note Or Article Easily With QuietWrite

Write A Note Or Article Easily With QuietWrite

I like writing when I am at home and everything is quiet, and I can think.  I just grab something cold to drink, jump on my bed, open my computer, and ...
Body Painting: Colorful Kissable Animal Lip Artistry

Body Painting: Colorful Kissable Animal Lip Artistry

'Tis the season of lips, kissing and love.  Now that I think about it, when is it not the season of those things? Although I've never had cosmetic sur ...
The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

Martin over at NortHACKton gets the ultimate geek award this week for sure with his etch-a-sketch computer hybrid. According to his website, after se ...
Star Wars: An Imperial Walker (AT-AT) Inspired Design

Star Wars: An Imperial Walker (AT-AT) Inspired Design

Since I'm in the computer business, I have a dozens of boxes of old computer parts in my house. I never know what to do with that stuff. I know it's ...
The Octopus That Lives In A Beer Bottle

The Octopus That Lives In A Beer Bottle

We talk a lot about recycling on Bit Rebels. We only have one planet Earth, and once it's ruined, we can't just make another one. We have to each ta ...
Baby Darth Vader’s Discovery Of The Force

Baby Darth Vader’s Discovery Of The Force

Before the Star Wars movies became household names for awesomeness, we didn't know anything about the force.  It simply wasn't a part of our vocabular ...
The Last Meal Requests of Death Row Prisoners

The Last Meal Requests of Death Row Prisoners

Here in America, we have the death penalty. It's a very controversial topic, and whether you are for it or against it, it's here. In most states, th ...
Los Angeles Zoo: Creative Ad Campaign In The Name Of Geek

Los Angeles Zoo: Creative Ad Campaign In The Name Of Geek

One of the most creative industries must be advertising.  Designing ideas and coming up with good ad campaigns must be a truly rewarding job if everyt ...
Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

When I was growing up, my dad took good care of us.  He always made sure we had food on the table and clothes on our back.  I bet it is hard for some ...
Recycling: Old Plastic Toys Get A New Life As A Dog

Recycling: Old Plastic Toys Get A New Life As A Dog

If you have young children, you probably know what it's like to have itty-bitty toys all around your house. Whether it's little plastic numbers, piec ...
Alertron: The Bluetooth Babysitter For Your Phone

Alertron: The Bluetooth Babysitter For Your Phone

It's interesting to me that as the number of gadgets we get grows, so do the number of products that help us keep up with them. We depend on our tech ...
Help the Homeless & the Environment with Plastic Bags

Help the Homeless & the Environment with Plastic Bags

We are very passionate about helping homeless men, women and children. It's hard to imagine what being homeless would be like unless we are put in th ...
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