Search query: infographic

14 Very Useful Ways To Reuse Plastic Sandwich Bags [Chart]

14 Very Useful Ways To Reuse Plastic Sandwich Bags [Chart]

Plastic shopping bags have been the center of a lot of controversy when it comes to recycling, reusing and other environmental issues. Some people bel ...
11 Geeky Ways To Use Nail Polish (Even For Men!)

11 Geeky Ways To Use Nail Polish (Even For Men!)

I know most of the men out there are probably rolling their eyes right now, but there are some really great uses for nail polish that might make you r ...
The Book Fountain: An Inspiring Tribute To Traditional Books

The Book Fountain: An Inspiring Tribute To Traditional Books

I read some staggering statistics this morning about the state of reading here in the United States. I learned that 42% of university graduates in thi ...
Face Socks: Sneaky Way Of Expressing Your Feelings

Face Socks: Sneaky Way Of Expressing Your Feelings

Yesterday I wrote an article called 10 Signs You Are Truly Happy, and people seemed to respond really well to it. Some people feel like happiness is n ...
11 Creative Ways Magnets Can Help You Around The House

11 Creative Ways Magnets Can Help You Around The House

I have a little life theory which I've always thought, and it's based on absolutely nothing. I think one of the clues you can see in a child which hin ...
Baby Mop Makes Your House Squeaky Clean

Baby Mop Makes Your House Squeaky Clean

Are you one of those people who is constantly trying to optimize your time in order to fit more into your day? If so, you are just like me. I am a suc ...
Social Media Responds To Syfy’s Sanctuary Being Cancelled

Social Media Responds To Syfy’s Sanctuary Being Cancelled

As I've written before, I don't watch much television. I just don't have time, and quite honestly, even if I did have time, I'd probably spend it doin ...
LinkedIn Cheat Sheet For Dummies

LinkedIn Cheat Sheet For Dummies

I know from personal experience that LinkedIn can be quite fuzzy when it comes to being a social networking platform. I don't so much mean the network ...
Ultimate Guide To Creating A Facebook Page [Flowchart]

Ultimate Guide To Creating A Facebook Page [Flowchart]

If you have a brand or want to market yourself, one of the most important things you can do is setup a Facebook page where people can find out about y ...
What Mark Zuckerberg Could Buy If He Sold His Share Of Facebook

What Mark Zuckerberg Could Buy If He Sold His Share Of Facebook

If you are an Internet professional or a social media addict, you've probably thought about what it might be like to come up with the next social medi ...
8 Witty & Entertaining 404 Pages That Generate Traffic

8 Witty & Entertaining 404 Pages That Generate Traffic

Last month, Google released one of its biggest algorithm changes ever. "Penguin," as it's called by Search Engine Optimizers (SEOs), devalued thousand ...
This Router Displays Its Path When Delivering Your Data

This Router Displays Its Path When Delivering Your Data

Am I the only one that finds myself thinking about the different paths that the signals from the computer take in order to deliver the packets from my ...
Fingerprint Art: The Fingerprints On Gadgets Take An Adventure

Fingerprint Art: The Fingerprints On Gadgets Take An Adventure

Do the fingerprints that accumulate on your smartphone and other gadgets annoy you? They annoy the heck out of me. I find myself wiping my iPhone clea ...
Simplest Way To Know If You Should Check Your Email [Flowchart]

Simplest Way To Know If You Should Check Your Email [Flowchart]

Have you ever found yourself in the predicament where you just didn't know if it was worth it checking your email? With all the spam that continuously ...
The Highlights Of Stars Wars Explained In 10 Little Graphics

The Highlights Of Stars Wars Explained In 10 Little Graphics

Believe it or not, there are some people in the world who don't understand how or why we love Star Wars so much. They are people who watch it once and ...
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