Search query: infographic

1962 vs. 2011: The Price Tag On Living Life

1962 vs. 2011: The Price Tag On Living Life

People are always comparing Microsoft with Apple. We even do it a lot on this blog. It's just such a great story. It's like watching a movie play out ...
CSI Wannabes: How To Analyze A Bloodstain Pattern

CSI Wannabes: How To Analyze A Bloodstain Pattern

These days, I don't have time to watch TV. I can't even remember the last time I watched a television show aside from the Super Bowl. I am blessed to ...
How To: Live Forever (Ok, Maybe Not, But Almost)

How To: Live Forever (Ok, Maybe Not, But Almost)

If you could live forever, would you want to? Seriously, if there was a way, aside from becoming a vampire, that you could live forever and never die, ...
Soylent Green Crackers: People Never Tasted So Delicious

Soylent Green Crackers: People Never Tasted So Delicious

This whole little spoof gives new meaning to "You are what you eat." We've touched on the fact before that in the future, we will have a hard time mai ...
College Students & Technology: A Sign Of The Times

College Students & Technology: A Sign Of The Times

Over the past few months, there has been some interesting information released regarding students and how they use social media and technology in gene ...
The Art & Science Behind The Perfect S’more

The Art & Science Behind The Perfect S’more

If you love spending weekends in the mountains like I do, you know that everything tastes better when it's cooked over a campfire. When I'm in the cit ...
You’ll Never Guess What We’ll Give Up For Our Smartphones!

You’ll Never Guess What We’ll Give Up For Our Smartphones!

Wow, this is a sensitive subject, isn't it? Nobody wants to admit they would pick their smartphone over some of life's sweetest pleasures if they had ...
If Social Media Sites Were Real Addictions [Chart]

If Social Media Sites Were Real Addictions [Chart]

We often hear people joke around that they are addicted to their social media sites. To those of us who hear that everyday (because we ourselves are a ...
Transparency vs. Anonymity: The Rules Of The Online World

Transparency vs. Anonymity: The Rules Of The Online World

Networking in today's online climate can not only be a way to express yourself with the utmost transparency, but it can also lead to some rather unwan ...
The Ultimate Internet Troll’s Dickhead Rating Chart

The Ultimate Internet Troll’s Dickhead Rating Chart

This little chart below has gone completely viral in the past 24 hours. When I looked at it more closely, I understood why. It touches on a topic that ...
Science: What Your Eye Color Reveals About You

Science: What Your Eye Color Reveals About You

Did you know that no two people have the exact same eye color? It's true! Did you know that every person who has blue eyes comes from the same ancesto ...
5 DIY Treatments For Bad Hair Day Emergencies

5 DIY Treatments For Bad Hair Day Emergencies

Why is hair so much fun to write about? It's silly really, but it always makes me smile. Maybe it's because it's so ridiculously irrelevant compared t ...
Sweet Meat: Ice Cream Desserts Made From Raw Meat

Sweet Meat: Ice Cream Desserts Made From Raw Meat

Uh oh... I already know my dear friend @VeganMeans is not going to like this post very much. When you look at the desserts below, what do you see? Do ...
Facebook vs. Google+: The Rise Of A Social Networking Giant

Facebook vs. Google+: The Rise Of A Social Networking Giant

Once again, we'll visit the giants to see what is going on. It doesn't seem appropriate to start talking about Google+ as if it just started, even tho ...
Top 10 Worst Places To Lose Your Smartphone

Top 10 Worst Places To Lose Your Smartphone

I've noticed that there are pretty much two categories of people. There are those who are always on time for everything, they never lose anything and ...
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