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3 Fascinating Flash Mobs

3 Fascinating Flash Mobs

I love flash mobs. I don’t know if it’s the creativity and talent or the element of surprise that gets me, but I’m completely fascinated by the ...
The Quest for Inspiration

The Quest for Inspiration

This is kinda a HP advert I suppose for one of their new laptops - but its a great look into the mind set of how a creative, err, creates!  Inspirati ...
Unique Packaging

Unique Packaging

Its always a treat to find unusual package designs.  Designing packages can be very tricky.  It must convey the essence of the product and must also ...
How to Cook Pancakes! or Not?!

How to Cook Pancakes! or Not?!

What is your favorite breakfast food? Mine is pancakes. And just recently I have discovered lots of ways that people prepare them. Some are outrage ...
Coca Cola Rockets – Awesomeness Defined!

Coca Cola Rockets – Awesomeness Defined!

Who doesn't like Coca Cola? Who doesn't need a Mentos every once in a while? Well, if you put them together you get what's called a "Coca Cola Rocket" ...
Are You An Airline Geek?

Are You An Airline Geek?

I just learned about a new sub-species of geek this week. It is the classic airline geek. According to the Washington Post, airline geeks are “â ...

Edible Sculptures

A few years ago I sent my dad a book called "Play with your food." I love the creativity behind all of the funny creatures and characters that are rev ...
Lifesaver Bottle

Lifesaver Bottle

During the twin tragedies of the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, Ipswich water-treatment expert Michael Pritchard winced helplessly at televised ...
Create Your Own Time Lapse Video

Create Your Own Time Lapse Video

Mac World Video's Rob Griffith explain two ways of creating time-lapse videos, one easy and free, the other more complicated and time consuming.  Her ...
Beware: Fleshy Robot Hand

Beware: Fleshy Robot Hand

At the Tokyo International Food Machinery and Technology Exhibition in June, a very cool robot chef wowed the crowd. His name was “Chef Robot” (h ...
G33k Bling!?

G33k Bling!?

Found some accessories that may make some people smile. Gr0glmann's Fun Retro Jewelry showcases computer related retro funk jewelries from Batman and ...
Woof! Dog Translator

Woof! Dog Translator

Have you ever wondered what your dog is telling you when he barks? There is a gadget that was developed by the Japanese that will allow you to transla ...
DIY – Origami Photo Frame Design

DIY – Origami Photo Frame Design

This is a pretty neat little trick for your wedding or for any birthday you might attend or throw. It's an origami lesson in how to create an Origami ...
Watch Out For Flying Doctors!

Watch Out For Flying Doctors!

Are mosquitoes becoming flying doctors? Mosquitoes are a huge problem where I live in Georgia. This time of year, it’s not uncommon for us to get ...

How to kill time at the office.

If you ever find yourself bored at the office, I challenge you: Create something! Check out this entertaining vid from EepyBird, who's creative team s ...
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