Search query: job

What Small Businesses Spend On Social Media Presence [Infographic]

What Small Businesses Spend On Social Media Presence [Infographic]

I remember a year ago when many companies were still struggling with how to justify hiring a social media manager. The companies who ended up hiring s ...
Star Wars Episode VII: What Exactly Are We Going To Get?

Star Wars Episode VII: What Exactly Are We Going To Get?

Ever since George Lucas dropped that bombshell of an announcement that he was selling Lucasfilm, Star Wars and all his other properties to the Mouse H ...
The Intricate Anatomy Of A Web Designer [Infographic]

The Intricate Anatomy Of A Web Designer [Infographic]

I have heard so many people talk about wanting to become web designers over the years that I have completely lost track of them all. It seems to be th ...
4 Zombie-Like Businesses That Came Back To Life [Infographic]

4 Zombie-Like Businesses That Came Back To Life [Infographic]

When Hostess announced they would have to go out of business after the events of the past week, it hit people in a different way than the usual compan ...
How To Create Appealing Smart Content [Infographic]

How To Create Appealing Smart Content [Infographic]

I sometimes get asked the question, "How do bloggers create the perfect content for their audiences?" People also want to know how to create viral con ...
Then And Now Life: Offices In I970 vs. Offices In 2012 [Infographic]

Then And Now Life: Offices In I970 vs. Offices In 2012 [Infographic]

In the 1970s, the three most popular careers that women chose were either a nurse, a secretary or a teacher. They weren't the only career choices wome ...
Increase Productivity: Better Document Sharing With Box OneCloud

Increase Productivity: Better Document Sharing With Box OneCloud

As more companies see the value of cloud-based office productivity with document sharing software, more options become available for working with peop ...
If Star Wars Characters Had Business Cards, They’d Look Like This

If Star Wars Characters Had Business Cards, They’d Look Like This

Of all the Star Wars art and photography that goes viral, my favorites are always the ones that put Star Wars characters into real life or every day s ...
72 Posters Of Ridiculous Design Feedback From Clients

72 Posters Of Ridiculous Design Feedback From Clients

As a designer and developer, I know firsthand how intense and uncreative a dialogue with a client can be. Clients often times lack the vision or under ...
Wasting Time At Work: Are You Guilty? [Infographic]

Wasting Time At Work: Are You Guilty? [Infographic]

Do you know how much time you waste at work? The thing is, almost everyone wastes valuable work time on gossip, browsing the Internet and online inter ...
Huge Shoes Made From Dozens Of Metal Pots, Pans & Lids

Huge Shoes Made From Dozens Of Metal Pots, Pans & Lids

We've written about some pretty insane shoes on Bit Rebels over the years, but these have to be some of the craziest ones yet. They aren't real shoes ...
Career Choices: What Will You Be When You Grow Up? [Infographic]

Career Choices: What Will You Be When You Grow Up? [Infographic]

When we are little kids, it seems like we are asked over and over by adults, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" As kids, it's a question that ...
Wearable Mouse Now Available For Ultra Casual Browsing

Wearable Mouse Now Available For Ultra Casual Browsing

I bet when you are sitting at your office desk browsing away on your computer, you sometimes wish there was a simpler and more casual way of doing you ...
8 Top Secret Star Wars Movies To Be Released By Disney

8 Top Secret Star Wars Movies To Be Released By Disney

The announcement that Disney bought Lucasfilm has been big news all week. Some people love the idea, and some people hate it, but almost everyone seem ...
5 Ways To Look Like You’re Social Media Savvy [Chart]

5 Ways To Look Like You’re Social Media Savvy [Chart]

Social media is a dichotomy in the sense that even though it's growing at a crazy fast pace, and there are more people on social media sites now than ...
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